i had such a good day, i'm so happy to be back at my old job, working with kids... i just wish childcare payed more so i could make it a career... today was the last day of schools, so all the schools in the county that participate in the ymca afterschool program went to this park... we had about 500 kids all at the...
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well, i lasted one week at my job... i quit this morning... i have problems sleeping, and i've been waking up every morning in a panic attack cause i don't sleep at night, plus i didn't like the job, so i just couldn't take it anymore... but on a brighter note, i called my old boss at the ymca and i'm gonna go back to...
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Sarah and myself both have work, so I don't think we're going to be at either show. =(
ok if someone breaks up with you for quiting a job tehn tehy are a dumbass, but i doubt that your boyfreind wil break upwith you for this. i meen cmon he should support you in your endeavors at least thats what i think boyfreinds are supposed to do.
sucks about the job though but hey there are endles possibilities for you. at least your not liek em eventhoguh I'm intelligent all i can ever get a job doing is labor. But I'm not going to bitch about it casue well it get s me money to pay for the msot stressful thing coming up in august
sucks about the job though but hey there are endles possibilities for you. at least your not liek em eventhoguh I'm intelligent all i can ever get a job doing is labor. But I'm not going to bitch about it casue well it get s me money to pay for the msot stressful thing coming up in august
well, its only my second week of work and i've already missed 2 days.... i had a yucky cold over the weekend, and then monday when i woke up, i was hacking up a lung and my throat was killing me, and i just felt horrible... and i felt pretty much the same this morning... i hope i don't lose my job, but hey, people...
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lung sandwich
lung soup
lung with roast beef and taters
i love cheese
so lung with cheeeeeeese
lung sandwich
lung soup
lung with roast beef and taters
i love cheese
so lung with cheeeeeeese
Damn girl! You sure do get sick alot. Take it easy!!
Sorry if I have been scarce. I have just too much shit on my mind but I am back.
P.S. Cute new pic btw!
Sorry if I have been scarce. I have just too much shit on my mind but I am back.
P.S. Cute new pic btw!

YEA FOR HARRY POTTER!!! I LOVED the movie! although it was missing a lot of parts from the book, it was still awesome...
Tomorrow is me and blackgryphons 3 month aniversary... doubt he realizes it.. lol.. guys don't keep track of things like that
today was kinda boring... i slept till 1.. felt so good after being up at 6am all week for my...
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Tomorrow is me and blackgryphons 3 month aniversary... doubt he realizes it.. lol.. guys don't keep track of things like that

today was kinda boring... i slept till 1.. felt so good after being up at 6am all week for my...
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cool, glad you liked the movie -
yes i am a student and i think i have procrastination down to a science - but as with science you have to keep on doing studies - and right now - it is how long i can avoid this current paper - not long i predict.......
later 2 u
yes i am a student and i think i have procrastination down to a science - but as with science you have to keep on doing studies - and right now - it is how long i can avoid this current paper - not long i predict.......
later 2 u
I don't think I will get to go to the burlesque show ... I was thinking about it b/c I was going to be off if I went back to shift work with my crew, but now I am working mon-fri 6am to 3pm and I normally get up at 3:45am to get to work....I'm getting old and can not function well on just a few hours of sleep...

well, you guys thought me going to bed at 8pm was bad... well, last night i went to bed at 630 pm.. lol..i'm telling ya... this day shift is kicking my ass... but i got 12 hours sleep last night and i feel much better tonight... so good in fact that i'm going to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the prisoner of...
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When you visit me tomorrow, remind me to buy the Burlesque tickets.
I don't have my cc number and have to get it from Dave.
I don't have my cc number and have to get it from Dave.
Haha, you're up too.
I just got home from Ronnie's place.
Made him watch a movie he didn't like hahaha.
Sorry Ronnie!
I just got home from Ronnie's place.
Made him watch a movie he didn't like hahaha.
Sorry Ronnie!
well, i started my new job on tuesday... it's gonna take me a while to get used to working full time again and getting up at 6am.. i've been really tired... i actually went to bed at 8pm last night.. i don't think i've gone to bed that early since i was a kid... but the job itself isn't too bad.. just a little boring...
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so umm i guess people are actually starting to hate me here ,,,things are actually going good for me now and I actually stopped bitching and well apparently botgeorgeismymom hotes me,,,i guess i must've had a slip of the tongue somewhere along the line
sorry that i haven't been able to talk to you much online either , i actually haven't had the chance to chat in awhile ,,,but if you dislike me too just tell me so i can start packing my bags from the site
I finally got a picture up so everyone who wanted to see me can now do that and laugh at me

sorry that i haven't been able to talk to you much online either , i actually haven't had the chance to chat in awhile ,,,but if you dislike me too just tell me so i can start packing my bags from the site
I finally got a picture up so everyone who wanted to see me can now do that and laugh at me
ugh getting up at 6am is tough - i can barely do 7:30....... have a great day...... shazbot, nanoo nanoo
well i had a really great day yesterday... i got to be lazy and just hang around the house most of the afternoon.. did some laundry, took a shower, played around with my new makeup... then around 7.. i went over to my boy blackgryphon's house... then we went to the boonsboro carnival.. at first we were kinda bored... didn't have a lot of...
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100 bucks - nice - i never win anything - but then again - i never gamble ..... it's like a catch-22....
hehe- off to do yet even more homework....help!
hehe- off to do yet even more homework....help!
Nice! I'm so taking you to Vegas!
thank god tomorrows friday.. it's been a long week.. i guess because it's my last week at my current job... tomorrows my last day... i'll miss the kids at the daycare... well some of them lol.... but i start my new job at a pediatrics office on tuesday... so i have a 3 day weekend! YEA!!! Sunday i have to go to my sisters bridal...
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Hey! I am just touching base and letting you know I am still alive. I had stop my account for a couple of weeks. I am back though my old account (jphi69) got erased and so I had to fucking start over!
Drop me a line!
Drop me a line!

What's your new job?
I'm just shocked to find another
Hagerstown person in here.
I'm just shocked to find another
Hagerstown person in here.
well, normally i'm off work on tuesdays cause i have classes all day, but i'm kinda burned out with class, and i missed 2 classes in a row so i'm really behind, so i decided to drop my summer classes and just take them in the fall... i was only in a hurry before to get them done so i could get my certificate in...
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sounds like u and your man r really great together .. dont look now but u may have found the one .... i know ...scarey lol .... as far as being a vampire .... i wouldnt think twice about it i would do it ... as far as living forever .. we all know im going to anyway ...
I enjoyed painting with you too!
I just don't know if I want to pay for a pottery class when my friend offered to show me.
But I would love to.
I have to think about it and let you know.
I just don't know if I want to pay for a pottery class when my friend offered to show me.
But I would love to.
I have to think about it and let you know.
i had a great weekend... went on a nice long walk yesterday, then went to dinner and a movie with my guy blackgryphon and rattfinkpink! we saw man on fire... i think ratty and rich liked it.. but i didn't care too much for it..
then today me and rich went shooting.. i didn't shoot though cause there were other people at the range...
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then today me and rich went shooting.. i didn't shoot though cause there were other people at the range...
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I have been telling Tina about this camping trip that I wanted to go on for a couple of months (she was going to drive and bring all the camping equipment) - but I just saw the dates in July they picked and I am working that weekend...
I was also supposed to go to Canada for the first weekend in July (1-3rd or something), but can't due to working.
I was also supposed to go to Canada for the first weekend in July (1-3rd or something), but can't due to working.
Also, I didn't like the movie very much.
It wasn't terrible, but I don't think I will ever watch it again.
It wasn't terrible, but I don't think I will ever watch it again.