i'm officially depressed... i am going to fail my pottery class.. i know, how the hell do you fail pottery, right? well, first, i hated the class with a passion so i missed a ton of classes... then tonight when i went to class, my teacher was trying to teach me how to do something and i just couldn't understand it, so i kept telling... Read More
i'm gonna be canceling my sg account... i hardly ever use it anymore... i have no time.. i might come back over the summer when i don't have classes and have more time...
i had a housewarming party last night... although 15 people were supposed to show up and 7 only came... it was still fun... rattfinkpink helped me make sushi and it was really yummy and i got some nice things for my house... thanks eveyone who came!
i'm getting a raise at work!! yipee!! wish it were permenent and the store wasn't closing in march, but i also get 4 weeks of severence pay... so it's not gonna be so bad... things are looking up... i am actually getting caught up in my anatomy class and starting to understand things a little better since i got a tutor... i'm way far behind... Read More
I was going to give you a hard time about not comenting in my journal, but you commented on 2 nov so that is not too bad...even though I have seen you in person 2 times since 2 nov...
See ya sunday...
if you still need serving dishes(for your party)...I have the green and brown ones i just bought...let me know if you would like to use them...
our kitty tiggie came home finally actually we found her hiding under the house next door.. she's very skinny and was dirty and had flees... rattfinkpink helped us clean her up, now she is just straving for attention... she was gone for almost 3 weeks, and i don't think she ate anything the whole time she was gone cause she's a walking skeleton now... we... Read More
well i just found out today that the store i work at will be closing in march.. dammit, i just got this job too, and i really like it and i really like all the people i work with... i'm very picky when it comes to jobs... and i know i'm never gonna find a job where i get along so well with all the... Read More
Yes - doing homework at work rawks...... and you mentioned something about anatomy? Kicking your butt huh? I bet - it sounds intense.... good luck with it though - you can do it.
How is life other than that? Good for me..... later tater
sg is really fucked up right now or something.. everytime i update my page, when i come back to check it, it has gone back to last thursdays journal entry... the only way i can see the most recent coments i have is to go to someone elses page and click on my name from their screen.. weird.. anyway, i hope everyone can see this... Read More
See ya somewhere in cyberspace!! Contact me sometime...