well, as much as i love christmas, i'm glad its over... i love getting presents (yes call me greedy) but i also love giving presents... my boyfriend loved his guitar so that made me very happy... but we had to go visit so many different family members over the past 3 days, that i'm just glad it's all over now.. i got lots of nice things, not gonna list them all, but i think my 3 favorite gift was this bag thingy that you put plastic bags in (like walmart bags) and it's orange and black with cats on it.. it's so cute.. and my kitchen is halloween themed in orange and black so it matches perfect...and i got the first 4 seasons of mash dvds that i've been wanting for a very long time... and i got a purse (that i bought with a walmart gift cert.) and the purse is purple (my fav color) with tinkerbell on it!! its so cute... anyway, i am having a new years eve party, and i can't wait! i love to have gatherings, i love playing hostess... i'm gonna go buy a game, probably scene it, that dvd game, for the party.
i hope everyone had a great holiday
i hope everyone had a great holiday

One sip of wine for Christmas? Pretty hardcore there! (lol!)
Sounds like you had a cool Christmas! Hope new years will be cool too!