i'm very worried about the relationship i'm in.. i love him a lot.. he does the sweetest things, and cares about me.. but lately he's been doing a lot of stuff that is really pissing me off, and i can't talk to him about it cause he just gets angry like everything is my fault or the problem is not a big deal... i come home every night from work to a dirty house, and i have to spend my free time cleaning, cause he doesn't take any initiative to clean, unless i beg him too... last night when i got home around 11pm after a very long day, the dishes were to the ceiling, as normal, the dining room table had so much stuff piled up on it (mostly his tools) that you couldn't see the table.. there was food left out for the cats to get into, and the kitty litter smelled absolutely horrible...i don't know how someone can come into a house, smell that nasty smell, and just ignore it...also, he plays his video games 24/7.. when he's not at work, that's what he's doing... i realize he really likes to play, and i don't want him to stop playing, i just want him to realize that he has responsibilities, and things need to get done around here. nothing gets done when he's playing video games all the time... i dont' expect him to do everything, i know he works too, but he gets 3 1/2 days off a week, where i only have 2, plus i go to school and have homework... it only takes a few minutes to straighten things up, like put stuff laying on the table away.. i've asked him to clean the kitty litter this evening, since i went out and bought new litter tonight, but he hasn't done it yet cause he's currently playing his video game... surprise surprise...
tonight, i found out that he wrote a bad check to our landlord, and he was just hoping the landlord wouldn't cash it before he got his pay check (which was 9 days after he wrote the check)... luckily the landlord didn't cash it yet so it didn't bounce, but this kinda thing is a VERY VERY big deal to me... i live in this house too, and when the rent check bounces, it makes me look bad also... not to mention we could get evicted for that kinda thing, and that would give me bad credit... i have never bounced a check in my life, i have never payed a bill late, and i have excellent credit, and he doens't understand how important that is to me.. and it upsets me that he doesn't take his credit seriously either.. if he doesn't get his credit straightened out, he'll never be able to buy a car or a house or anything... plus i've been told that when you marry someone with bad credit, you inherit their credit history.. so that would mean if i ever married him my good credit would go down the drain if he still has bad credit...ugh... i don't know what to do.. this is a good relationship as far as i'm concerned, i mean we get along good for the most part, he doesn't beat me, we have a nice apartment, we do fun stuff together, but these little things are really starting to get to me...
well i'm done venting now...
update: when i got home from work tonight, the kitty litter was cleaned, and dishes were washed, thanks so much rich
luv ya
tonight, i found out that he wrote a bad check to our landlord, and he was just hoping the landlord wouldn't cash it before he got his pay check (which was 9 days after he wrote the check)... luckily the landlord didn't cash it yet so it didn't bounce, but this kinda thing is a VERY VERY big deal to me... i live in this house too, and when the rent check bounces, it makes me look bad also... not to mention we could get evicted for that kinda thing, and that would give me bad credit... i have never bounced a check in my life, i have never payed a bill late, and i have excellent credit, and he doens't understand how important that is to me.. and it upsets me that he doesn't take his credit seriously either.. if he doesn't get his credit straightened out, he'll never be able to buy a car or a house or anything... plus i've been told that when you marry someone with bad credit, you inherit their credit history.. so that would mean if i ever married him my good credit would go down the drain if he still has bad credit...ugh... i don't know what to do.. this is a good relationship as far as i'm concerned, i mean we get along good for the most part, he doesn't beat me, we have a nice apartment, we do fun stuff together, but these little things are really starting to get to me...
well i'm done venting now...
update: when i got home from work tonight, the kitty litter was cleaned, and dishes were washed, thanks so much rich

Sorry I didn't call back... I didn't get home until 3 (I was in Harrisburg).
I don't think Johnny will be home next week. He hasn't called me back, but I read somewhere that he is going to be in Georgia.
I will call him again... hope he's not moving next week and only visiting.
I have to take Soleil to the vet again tomorrow.
Let me know if you need help taking your cats to their appointment next month.