wow.. my last journal got 2 pages worth of comments... that's never happened before.. thanks to boygeorgeismymom!
today is sunday, my only day off during the week, and i have no clue what to do today... but my silly boyfriend woke me up at 8am
it's my only day to sleep in.. oh well, at least i have a full day to do stuff now... maybe i'll get my stuff together for my yardsale next week. or go for a bike ride... or both! lol.. i don't know.. i'll let you know what i decided to do later...
update: didn't do anything too exciting on sunday... went to my friend rattfinkpink's new house and put tape on all the mistakes the builders made.. it was fun... then me and my man went to my house and got together some stuff for my yard sale...
today i worked, and got to play with the little babies in the daycare center so it was cool... i had a good work out, then got an even better workout when my friend ratty gave me all kinds of stuff for my yard sale (she didn't want to move the stuff to her new house)... thanks ratty!!!!
today is sunday, my only day off during the week, and i have no clue what to do today... but my silly boyfriend woke me up at 8am

update: didn't do anything too exciting on sunday... went to my friend rattfinkpink's new house and put tape on all the mistakes the builders made.. it was fun... then me and my man went to my house and got together some stuff for my yard sale...
today i worked, and got to play with the little babies in the daycare center so it was cool... i had a good work out, then got an even better workout when my friend ratty gave me all kinds of stuff for my yard sale (she didn't want to move the stuff to her new house)... thanks ratty!!!!
