i had such a good day, i'm so happy to be back at my old job, working with kids... i just wish childcare payed more so i could make it a career... today was the last day of schools, so all the schools in the county that participate in the ymca afterschool program went to this park... we had about 500 kids all at the park, and we had a kickball turnament, my school lost but we still had lots of fun... we had a cook out, hotdogs and chips for everyone, and it stormed on us, my one little 5 year old girl got scared and started crying, but the storm didn't last long... all and all it was a really great day...
does anyone have a job that they really love? it seems like these days most people just put up with the job they have, not too many people really enjoy their jobs...
does anyone have a job that they really love? it seems like these days most people just put up with the job they have, not too many people really enjoy their jobs...