Well all I am taking a hiatus from Suicidegirls for a while. I don't have a whole lot of spare time or money right now and find I am not using the site enough to justify spending my money on a monthly fee. I am going to be going back to college full time in the Spring and cutting cost where ever I can so...
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O.k now for some shameless self promotion
I have put a painting up for auction on eBay for the very first time!!! Within 30min of setting up the auction I have 1 watcher
I know, I know eBay is not the best place to try and make a name for yourself but since my resources are limited I thought I would call this a test...
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Pretty! Looks like something out of Nightmare Before Christmas or Corpse Bride.
herrooo dear
sorry it took me so long, i just haven't been around for a while, i guess..
i mean i HAVE but still not
i know, sounds weird
i wish we got some hurricane warnings etc, but we never do..
finland's not one of those countries
oooooo, we're gonna go see some apartments on sunday, which is our one year anniversary
i've got ideas on authors to read but i haven't gotten around to getting the books yet...
going to the library might be a great first step
i've never read wuthering heights, should read that one at LEAST
i'm so tired, again, i don't even know what i'm writing
ooooooooooh, i also had an awesome idea and i'd love for it to happen soon enough
what have you been up to lately?

sorry it took me so long, i just haven't been around for a while, i guess..
i mean i HAVE but still not

i know, sounds weird

i wish we got some hurricane warnings etc, but we never do..
finland's not one of those countries

oooooo, we're gonna go see some apartments on sunday, which is our one year anniversary


i've got ideas on authors to read but i haven't gotten around to getting the books yet...
going to the library might be a great first step

i've never read wuthering heights, should read that one at LEAST


i'm so tired, again, i don't even know what i'm writing


ooooooooooh, i also had an awesome idea and i'd love for it to happen soon enough

what have you been up to lately?

Nice ^_^
It makes me really want to get my next tattoo soon
It makes me really want to get my next tattoo soon
herroo dear
what's up?
i'm almost ready for bed but realised i haven't said anything to you in days
oh noes..
yeh, me and teh boy are looking for an apartment at the moment, i'm quite happy about this
i'd be even happier if someone would give me a call about the jobs i applied for..
so far i haven't heard a bloody thing and for one of the places i had three people recommending me..
like wth..
what on earth are they looking for if they won't even consider me with the experience i have...
yeh, cold mountain was quite the waste of time but so was constantine..
it was on telly on monday and i made the mistake of actually watching it:/
i've read quite a few hellblazers and was expecting at least something of it..
but no...
gavin rossdale was the best thing about that film and his head was blown into pieces so blah
i'm quite tired right now, starting a nine day workweek tomorrow..
i looooooooooooove money
hope your week's been good so far
my brain is shutting down pretty much now..
bye byes

what's up?
i'm almost ready for bed but realised i haven't said anything to you in days

oh noes..
yeh, me and teh boy are looking for an apartment at the moment, i'm quite happy about this

i'd be even happier if someone would give me a call about the jobs i applied for..
so far i haven't heard a bloody thing and for one of the places i had three people recommending me..
like wth..
what on earth are they looking for if they won't even consider me with the experience i have...
yeh, cold mountain was quite the waste of time but so was constantine..
it was on telly on monday and i made the mistake of actually watching it:/
i've read quite a few hellblazers and was expecting at least something of it..
but no...
gavin rossdale was the best thing about that film and his head was blown into pieces so blah

i'm quite tired right now, starting a nine day workweek tomorrow..
i looooooooooooove money

hope your week's been good so far

my brain is shutting down pretty much now..
bye byes

great pieces! you got there.
i too, love the second one.
thanks for the comment about the camera.
did u ever end up getting one?
if you do, dont go to best buy, cause i do believe that u can get a really nice on for cheaper elsewhere.
i find that best buy, usually isnt the "best price"
good luck!
i too, love the second one.
thanks for the comment about the camera.
did u ever end up getting one?
if you do, dont go to best buy, cause i do believe that u can get a really nice on for cheaper elsewhere.
i find that best buy, usually isnt the "best price"
good luck!

hello hello
not to worry, it's extremely healthy not being online..
i should do that, quite often actually...
but i never get around to it
it's a bad bad bad thing..
it was awesome peeling teh boy's back, i found it quite nice actually...
i've sent four job applications in a few days' time and hoping someone will call me soon
i just reallyreallyreeeeeally want to get out of my town, i've lived here for waaaaaay too long and even though i've gone away a few times, i always seem to come back here..
ooo, congrats on the crappy raise
even if it's not a lot, it's still money and money's ALWAYS welcome
am i right or am i right
i think i need to go sleep, sleep is good and sleep likes me
take care sweets

not to worry, it's extremely healthy not being online..
i should do that, quite often actually...
but i never get around to it

it's a bad bad bad thing..
it was awesome peeling teh boy's back, i found it quite nice actually...

i've sent four job applications in a few days' time and hoping someone will call me soon

i just reallyreallyreeeeeally want to get out of my town, i've lived here for waaaaaay too long and even though i've gone away a few times, i always seem to come back here..
ooo, congrats on the crappy raise

even if it's not a lot, it's still money and money's ALWAYS welcome

am i right or am i right

i think i need to go sleep, sleep is good and sleep likes me

take care sweets

So I saw Peter Murphy last night in Tampa and it was even more amazing than I expected. His was in perfect form and his voice was so hypnotic. I was so sad that it had to end. It was a huge deal for me to see him in concert, it was truly magical and will be a night I will never forget.
I guess...
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I guess...
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thanks a bunch for the encouragement
i'm feeling much better now and kinda also figured out university probably isn't for me..
sitting with nose in book for years isn't really my thing in the end..
i need to do creative things..
i'm glad i figured that out now
not a problem you taking your time, i should have some time off the internet once in a while, would do me quite good, me being the little addict......
your paintings on myspace were awesome
yay for creativeness
and for sure you won't be stuck in a crappy job for the rest of your life if you don't want to..
people just tend to get stuck in the wrong place and the feeling of being quite content with the way things are..
i know that's gonna happen to me if i don't start doing something soon..
i already looked at some dance classes i might start this fall now that i'm just working and making money
and hopefully i'll also get the band thing going, i just need to start writing again..
all these things that are just waiting to be done and what do i do, sit in front of the computer...
i only have myself to blame.................
my visit to the boy was awesome and he's just the bestest man ever
he also kinda wants to start thinking about moving in together...........
that was something i hadn't even thought about and it's so silly it came from him, kind of..
silliness but totally sweet
now i'm super tired and need to sleep, another full day of work ahead...
that's day four of seven in a row..........
i'm sure i can make it
how's your cold btw?
hope it's realised it's not welcome
take care

i'm feeling much better now and kinda also figured out university probably isn't for me..
sitting with nose in book for years isn't really my thing in the end..
i need to do creative things..
i'm glad i figured that out now

not a problem you taking your time, i should have some time off the internet once in a while, would do me quite good, me being the little addict......
your paintings on myspace were awesome

yay for creativeness

and for sure you won't be stuck in a crappy job for the rest of your life if you don't want to..
people just tend to get stuck in the wrong place and the feeling of being quite content with the way things are..
i know that's gonna happen to me if i don't start doing something soon..
i already looked at some dance classes i might start this fall now that i'm just working and making money

and hopefully i'll also get the band thing going, i just need to start writing again..
all these things that are just waiting to be done and what do i do, sit in front of the computer...
i only have myself to blame.................
my visit to the boy was awesome and he's just the bestest man ever

he also kinda wants to start thinking about moving in together...........
that was something i hadn't even thought about and it's so silly it came from him, kind of..
silliness but totally sweet

now i'm super tired and need to sleep, another full day of work ahead...
that's day four of seven in a row..........
i'm sure i can make it

how's your cold btw?
hope it's realised it's not welcome

take care

ooooooooooooooo, pizzaaaaa..
haven't had pizza in ages!!!
yeh, the boy's just been so sweet, as always..
i'm still not sure what to do about the whole moving in thing since we've never even lived in the same town at the same time
plus i don't have a job there, yet at least
so it's all a bit open yet...
my week was nice, workworkwork but it's been good and makes time go by faster
yesterday we went to the boy's dad's 50th birthday party at a summerhouse and basically his entire family was there, all the aunts and grannies and cousins etcetc...
and all of them completely drunk by 9pm....
so it was an interesting night but i survived
tomorrow it's back home time again since the boy's gotta work and so do i......
that's what's really been up...
i'm not up to much and i probably should try to do more so as not to kill all things artistic in me....
i gotta go make some foods now since it's foods time
take care sweetie
haven't had pizza in ages!!!

yeh, the boy's just been so sweet, as always..
i'm still not sure what to do about the whole moving in thing since we've never even lived in the same town at the same time

plus i don't have a job there, yet at least

so it's all a bit open yet...
my week was nice, workworkwork but it's been good and makes time go by faster

yesterday we went to the boy's dad's 50th birthday party at a summerhouse and basically his entire family was there, all the aunts and grannies and cousins etcetc...
and all of them completely drunk by 9pm....
so it was an interesting night but i survived

tomorrow it's back home time again since the boy's gotta work and so do i......
that's what's really been up...
i'm not up to much and i probably should try to do more so as not to kill all things artistic in me....
i gotta go make some foods now since it's foods time

take care sweetie

I am feeling quite sad today, my best friend is getting married today and I can't be there and that has just depressed me to no end. This is her second marriage and although I was there for the first one which was much more elaborate this one is the BIG one in my opinion because she has found her other half and they couldn't...
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i can sympathize with the feeling of missing out. i grew up and went to high school and made all of my best friends in Arizona and then moved to Washington after graduation. i feel like i miss everything. even a few weddings myself.
and yeah. only so much. lol. i certainly hope i can.
and yeah. only so much. lol. i certainly hope i can.

sucks big time that he left but i'll get to see him next week probably
work's been good, it's quite busy all the time and there's always something to do so that really is cool
i'm just on my lunchbreak and had some yummy yummy ice cream
now i'm very happy indeedy

work's been good, it's quite busy all the time and there's always something to do so that really is cool

i'm just on my lunchbreak and had some yummy yummy ice cream

now i'm very happy indeedy

So far I am having a great weekend, yesterday went out and took some photos, it has been a long time since I have taken any so it was really nice even though it is so nasty humid this weekend. Besides that nothing new really going on. Here are some of the photos I took yesterday along with a bit of digital art for good...
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oh it was great
the day just flew by and i was pretty much just folding clothes and finding clothes from the storage
also working at the till as well..
so it was very much fun indeed..
also finally finished my ink today and now i'm wrapped in clingfilm : DDD
how are you doing on this fine day??

the day just flew by and i was pretty much just folding clothes and finding clothes from the storage

also working at the till as well..
so it was very much fun indeed..
also finally finished my ink today and now i'm wrapped in clingfilm : DDD

how are you doing on this fine day??

yeah, it was great to do some work again
what exactly is it that you do, if i may ask?
my boyfriend lives a two hour trainride from me
so it's been quite stressful at times but that's what you get..
besides, on the other hand it has been a very good arrangement when we started seeing each other..
at least we think so
it would be nice to live in the same town but i'll know more in a month when the university entrance exam results are revealed..
the ink looks awesome, there's bunch of silly colors in it, like pink : DDD

what exactly is it that you do, if i may ask?

my boyfriend lives a two hour trainride from me

so it's been quite stressful at times but that's what you get..
besides, on the other hand it has been a very good arrangement when we started seeing each other..
at least we think so

it would be nice to live in the same town but i'll know more in a month when the university entrance exam results are revealed..
the ink looks awesome, there's bunch of silly colors in it, like pink : DDD

Weekend has thus far been fairly uneventful besides the fact that my stitches ripped open yesterday morning and my Dr. dosent want to put more stitches in place, wants to see if it will heal without, I personally think the man is a jakeass and has no regard for the pain and discomfort I am in but my follow up appointment is Mon morning and...
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it has been interesting, my boy's parents are quite silly..
we also played some croquet in the pouring rain today
lots of fun fun fun
now i'm just really tired even though we've mostly been lying around the sofas all day..
everyone else is in the sauna, that's something i won't do however finnish it might be..
hope you won't have to suffer for too long, it's just never nice, obviously..
i guess it might teach people something but i still think there's plenty of other ways to grow as a person and all that..
i hope your weekend's just GROOVY

it has been interesting, my boy's parents are quite silly..
we also played some croquet in the pouring rain today

lots of fun fun fun

now i'm just really tired even though we've mostly been lying around the sofas all day..
everyone else is in the sauna, that's something i won't do however finnish it might be..
hope you won't have to suffer for too long, it's just never nice, obviously..
i guess it might teach people something but i still think there's plenty of other ways to grow as a person and all that..
i hope your weekend's just GROOVY

Thanks for the compliment on the pictures 

Last night I decided to check out ticketmaster.com to see if any good concerts were coming up, usually this would leave me disappointed because usually I find nothing of interested but to my delight I found Peter Murphy is coming to Tampa on 07/03!!!! If I could have I would have gotten up and done a happy dance! Peter Murphy is like my musical crack,...
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i kinda did more than just pushed it
firstly i ran for about an hour in the pouring rain since we've been having this AWESOME weather for the past few days...
after about an hour from that me and my mom decided to WALK to ikea and back
that's about 5km one way..
i think that's a bit over 3miles, i guess...
so we did that but on the way back my mom thought she knew of a shortcut
like hell she did!!!
so we walked for ages and now my thighs are mincemeat
yeh, that kind of relationship would kill me..
i mean if there's already a pattern of breaking up etc, just doesn't really sound too healthy to me...
but as you said and i would recommend it as well, if you have to take months of bs, just leave it, you're undoubtedly worth much more..
also great attitude on the work thing, don't take shit from people..
if you do, they'll just keep doing it and it'll get worse day by day..
look at me with all my wise words!!
sorry, sometimes i get enthusiastic about things..
or something
i kinda did more than just pushed it

firstly i ran for about an hour in the pouring rain since we've been having this AWESOME weather for the past few days...
after about an hour from that me and my mom decided to WALK to ikea and back

that's about 5km one way..
i think that's a bit over 3miles, i guess...
so we did that but on the way back my mom thought she knew of a shortcut

like hell she did!!!
so we walked for ages and now my thighs are mincemeat


yeh, that kind of relationship would kill me..
i mean if there's already a pattern of breaking up etc, just doesn't really sound too healthy to me...
but as you said and i would recommend it as well, if you have to take months of bs, just leave it, you're undoubtedly worth much more..
also great attitude on the work thing, don't take shit from people..
if you do, they'll just keep doing it and it'll get worse day by day..
look at me with all my wise words!!

sorry, sometimes i get enthusiastic about things..
or something

oh yeah
it was an interesting run alright and it's much better to run in the rain with much more oxygen in the air..
oh yeh, i know it's totally easy to say stuff but when you really are in the situation yourself, it's so difficult to live by what you even know yourself to be better..
i reallyreally hope all them things work out for you, whichever way they might go..
no need to torture yourself though, that doesn't bring anything good with it
im feeling a bit tired now, just woke up and should go for that morning run..

it was an interesting run alright and it's much better to run in the rain with much more oxygen in the air..

oh yeh, i know it's totally easy to say stuff but when you really are in the situation yourself, it's so difficult to live by what you even know yourself to be better..
i reallyreally hope all them things work out for you, whichever way they might go..
no need to torture yourself though, that doesn't bring anything good with it

im feeling a bit tired now, just woke up and should go for that morning run..

The last couple days have really sucked. Not not only am I recovery from surgery but having relationship problems as well and I am feeling so overwhelmed. My boyfriend and I have had what you would call a rocky relationship from the start, we have broken up 4 times and yet I keep hoping that things will get better everytime we get back together and...
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comics rule
i didn't sleep for my ten hours since i stayed up reading comics, whoops..
now i should be running but my muscles are all sore so i'm waiting for a few minutes before i go..
instead i'm looking at my mom's cat sitting at the window looking at birds, she's funny
i'm sorry you're having relationship issues, they suck
hope things work out soon..
i'd say if the people at your work are bitching to you on monday, just smile and be a bitch right back
if you say it with a smile, it's just so much better

i didn't sleep for my ten hours since i stayed up reading comics, whoops..
now i should be running but my muscles are all sore so i'm waiting for a few minutes before i go..
instead i'm looking at my mom's cat sitting at the window looking at birds, she's funny

i'm sorry you're having relationship issues, they suck

hope things work out soon..
i'd say if the people at your work are bitching to you on monday, just smile and be a bitch right back

if you say it with a smile, it's just so much better

same thing with the jobs, therefore can't and won't do any crappy and depressing one ever again..
expensive shops are not yay at all
we do seem to have them over here as well, i guess europe is much more expensive than the states anyways..
and you've got better foods as well..
well, some of them, sort of
i miss the thanksgiving table at my auntie's about ten years ago when i lived in indiana with her family : DDD
expensive shops are not yay at all

we do seem to have them over here as well, i guess europe is much more expensive than the states anyways..
and you've got better foods as well..
well, some of them, sort of

i miss the thanksgiving table at my auntie's about ten years ago when i lived in indiana with her family : DDD
yeh, well i guess that's true but the gas prices most likely affect everyone all over the world.....
so it's all in proportion, kind of..
i really don't have much to say this time of night anymore, my eyes don't like to stay open for too long, ever
so it's all in proportion, kind of..

i really don't have much to say this time of night anymore, my eyes don't like to stay open for too long, ever

good to hear from you
i've just been packing and stuff, sunday is the big move day and i've been just running around..
sorry i haven't even said hi..
i haven't been around here for a long time, i guess i've had more fun over at facebook..
even though it totally sucks ass
but my life right now is just packing and trying to find work..
so it's all good
lucky we gots myspace to stay in touch
tomorrow is ikea day