So, it seems that my last day of work before I head off to New Orleans will be spent demonstrating our program to... the US Army bio-warfare center? (Fort Dietrich, if you'd care to Google it)
I am uncertain of what I think of this.
I am not uncertain that driving all the way to Frederick in rush hour traffic will suck it hardcore. My only hope is that people will all be going in the other direction. *crossed fingers*
At least R will be here later this evening.
I am uncertain of what I think of this.
I am not uncertain that driving all the way to Frederick in rush hour traffic will suck it hardcore. My only hope is that people will all be going in the other direction. *crossed fingers*
At least R will be here later this evening.
i saw the post you made in the thread about corporate culture being indie etc. ANYWAY, you mentioned foucault. i dunno if you're IN to foucault, but if you're into that kind of critique, i'd actually suggest herbert marcuse. he actually came up with the idea of capitalist institutions incorporating its own critiques as part of the system.
Rush hour traffic here sucks. Sucks really badly. And in a bad way. Maybe you could leave earlier? And if that's not possible... my sympathy's with you