Well, it's been a really, really long fucking time, but I am back. I took the job I mentioned in the last entry, way back in December. I spend the rest of that month doing some travelling and visiting before I had to return to 9-5 life, and then for the past couple months I've been waiting for Time Warner to get their shit together and hook up my internet. But here I am again. And according to the RSS I've missed 90 goddamn sets since New Year's.. Seems like they've picked up the daily rate again.
Anyway, the short version of my last couple of months: went to LA to visit Mrm at her med school, where everyone is incredibly hot for some reason, spent a week in a hostel in NYC looking for an apartment, found an apartment (Roosevelt Island, the Fortress of Solitude of New York), spent a couple weeks trying to be extra social with my DC friends, got introduced to the most amazing woman I've ever met the day before I moved away (but she's from Germany and was going back soon anyway, so I guess even if I wasn't moving, it wouldn't have worked out), moved into NYC, got shipped off to London for a few weeks, got back about a week ago, and now finally I have the interwebs again.
That makes my life sound almost exciting. Weird.
Anyway, the short version of my last couple of months: went to LA to visit Mrm at her med school, where everyone is incredibly hot for some reason, spent a week in a hostel in NYC looking for an apartment, found an apartment (Roosevelt Island, the Fortress of Solitude of New York), spent a couple weeks trying to be extra social with my DC friends, got introduced to the most amazing woman I've ever met the day before I moved away (but she's from Germany and was going back soon anyway, so I guess even if I wasn't moving, it wouldn't have worked out), moved into NYC, got shipped off to London for a few weeks, got back about a week ago, and now finally I have the interwebs again.
That makes my life sound almost exciting. Weird.