Spent the weekend up in Connecticut with Dwen. It was a good time. As we do every semester, we ran through the battery of psychiatric tests her classes have taught her. This semester, she's doing personality testing, so we ran through a few analyses for that. There was one very straightforward one, where I completed sentences like "My mother is...." or "I wish...." or "I was happiest when..." We also did one that you may have seen in degenerate form floating around the internet, where you draw pictures and then those are analyzed. She had me draw a tree, then "a person" then "a person of the opposite sex from me" and lastly a house. I actually drew girls both times, so we'll see what she figures from that. We also talked about the drawings; basically I was asked to ascribe personality to them, to conjecture wants, needs, and fears for the people, to give details about them, and so on. Next, she had a series of cards, each with a picture that I was supposed to make into a story. That, I found sort of tedious. Finally, we did the famed Rorschach inkblots, which I didn't realize were still in use. They're fairly interesting, though.
I'm tired as hell, so despite the terrible prose I'm leaving it at this for the moment. I'll put up a new entry when Dwen mails me my write-up, though. Plus, I asked her to mail me the names of all the tests, so I can do a little research. So, come back in a week, and I should have wikipedia links and some notes on my results. Who knows, maybe we'll all find out I'm crazy.
I'm tired as hell, so despite the terrible prose I'm leaving it at this for the moment. I'll put up a new entry when Dwen mails me my write-up, though. Plus, I asked her to mail me the names of all the tests, so I can do a little research. So, come back in a week, and I should have wikipedia links and some notes on my results. Who knows, maybe we'll all find out I'm crazy.
she passed away less then two weeks ago.
also, I only cut vegetables with daggers because you do.