Oh yeah, I have a blog. I guess I should update that more than once every several months. Should, not will, but whatever.
Anyway, brief update so it doesn't sound so much like I stopped getting paid and ended up starving to death: I'm living down in DC now, doing government work. Not the most interesting thing in the world, but these days it's the...
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Anyway, brief update so it doesn't sound so much like I stopped getting paid and ended up starving to death: I'm living down in DC now, doing government work. Not the most interesting thing in the world, but these days it's the...
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reply to set comment: i am not, but now i am curious as to what they look like. my father is from spain, my mother from italy. =)
You are too sweet: ) I'm 5' 1" actually...
it wasn't actually re-posted from facebook, but it was inspired by it. i'd already written a 25 list in facebook but now that i'm seeing them everywhere i decided to write another.
howsabout just one pic, little man on fire?
Lazy, lazy update.
Well, I spent June hosting couch surfers, mostly. It was nice, getting to explore the city. I also met a nice Indian girl in the subway. We've only been out a couple of times so far, though, and now it has to go on hold, since I'd planned...
Next up, a trip around the country again. So many people to visit, and...
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Well, I spent June hosting couch surfers, mostly. It was nice, getting to explore the city. I also met a nice Indian girl in the subway. We've only been out a couple of times so far, though, and now it has to go on hold, since I'd planned...
Next up, a trip around the country again. So many people to visit, and...
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What's this? I'm updating the journal? Amazing! And why might that be? Well, because I got laid off at work and now have a ton of free time.
Foruntately, I was planning to take a vacation next week anyway, so I already have pre-paid plans to head up to Montreal for a bit. After that, I really don't know what I'm going to do with...
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Foruntately, I was planning to take a vacation next week anyway, so I already have pre-paid plans to head up to Montreal for a bit. After that, I really don't know what I'm going to do with...
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Really not much going on lately. Went home for Easter butwho wants to hear about family time? And I was supposed to go see a show with some friends this weekend, but every single one cancelled. So, video games weekend it is.
Also, you know what annoys the hell out of me? Product placement sets like this. I know this site really isn't what...
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Also, you know what annoys the hell out of me? Product placement sets like this. I know this site really isn't what...
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I'm pretty late to answer, but I wanted to say thank you for your comment on my set Sorceress ! I'm glad you enjoy it
(and don't worry, it didn't sound creepy ^^)

(and don't worry, it didn't sound creepy ^^)
Today I was chatting with a co-worker, and he said the following:
"look, always be more careful when you're dealing with retail money. You lose Goldman-Sachs' money, whatever, they take their ball and tell us to piss right off. You lose something that belongs to Joe Green down in Alabama or wherever, though, and you are straightaway fucked. So just keep that in mind...
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"look, always be more careful when you're dealing with retail money. You lose Goldman-Sachs' money, whatever, they take their ball and tell us to piss right off. You lose something that belongs to Joe Green down in Alabama or wherever, though, and you are straightaway fucked. So just keep that in mind...
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What happened to all that time?
Anyway... what have I been up to? Went on a carefully-orchestrated visit back to MD. Carefully orchestrated because I no longer have a car, so I had to make sure every place I went was on the way to the next place I was going for the person picking me up. But it was nice, I got to go...
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Anyway... what have I been up to? Went on a carefully-orchestrated visit back to MD. Carefully orchestrated because I no longer have a car, so I had to make sure every place I went was on the way to the next place I was going for the person picking me up. But it was nice, I got to go...
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Just got back from a short trip to Boston. Went visiting with a couple of old college acquaintances. I had lunch with the professor who more or less mentored me during my undergraduate career, which was interesting. It's strange to go back to a school you've graduated from and be on even terms with someone who used to, for lack of a better term, "outrank"...
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Well, it's been a really, really long fucking time, but I am back. I took the job I mentioned in the last entry, way back in December. I spend the rest of that month doing some travelling and visiting before I had to return to 9-5 life, and then for the past couple months I've been waiting for Time Warner to get their shit together...
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So, it's not quite official yet, but I believe I've found a new job. I'm going to be working for the tech department of a bank. The office is right in the center of Manhattan, near Grand Central, the pay is great, the work should be worthwhile, and as a nice added bonus, there's a month of training in London, so I get a free...
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It's gotten to be kind of a while since I updated.
I went on my interview to Google, but I still haven't heard back from them. The other place offered me a job, but I declined. I hate to turn down $80k in downtown Manhattan, but the work really didn't seem interesting... Oh well. Hopefully aiming high doesn't blow up in my face and leave...
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I went on my interview to Google, but I still haven't heard back from them. The other place offered me a job, but I declined. I hate to turn down $80k in downtown Manhattan, but the work really didn't seem interesting... Oh well. Hopefully aiming high doesn't blow up in my face and leave...
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