another sunday, ...i just picked up my paper for the morning...yeah im starting late today! well i WAS up feeding the cats and dog around 7am but i passed the fuck out again afterwards. so im watching a friends cat while they are in argentina for a few weeks...i went over there this morning to check on him and give him some food...he's a neat cat, kind of shy, but he warmed up to me pretty quick.
Im sitting here trying to decide if i should make myself some breakfast or wait for my other so hungry!
i bought spinach and tomatoes this morning too.
anyways im sure this is just to exciting for you all to bear so i will stop.
Im sitting here trying to decide if i should make myself some breakfast or wait for my other so hungry!
i bought spinach and tomatoes this morning too.
anyways im sure this is just to exciting for you all to bear so i will stop.
my cat cant seem to stay off my lap.... he's certain that im now sitting in HIS chair... a battle of wills rages between us... then I just get fed up and throw him off.... lil' bastard... hehehe