A lot has happened in the last little while. I have given up on a class that was giving me way too much stress and frustration. I feel a lot better about school and homework without it. You should never be frustrated to the point of tears in any class.
The apartment is becoming more like home. It's amazing what some cleaning and organization will do. It's just easier to relax and feel homey when it doesn't feel like you have to fix a bunch of things.
I'm starting to think about what will happen after I graduate. In this economy, I'm not worried about getting a job, but I am concerned about getting a decent one that will let me pay off my loans. I don't even know if I can get a job that is in my field right away. I'm more interested in the academic side of things and I don't want to have to work for an oil company or something doing hack archaeology trying to get as much information as possible before the area is developed.
I realized the other day that I feel more alone and isolated than I have in other years. For the past four years, my social group has been choir. Now that I'm not in choir, I don't have a social group that replaces it. I'm really hoping that with a new semester's schedule, I'll be able to go to karaoke and maybe re-integrate myself into the social scene. Another part of the problem is that with everybody in my classes, who I could make a social group with, are graduating this year and will be scattering. I will have more time to try to connect to people next semester and after that then I'll have a social group with the people that I'll be working with. It was just very humbling to realize how isolated I've become this semester.
The apartment is becoming more like home. It's amazing what some cleaning and organization will do. It's just easier to relax and feel homey when it doesn't feel like you have to fix a bunch of things.
I'm starting to think about what will happen after I graduate. In this economy, I'm not worried about getting a job, but I am concerned about getting a decent one that will let me pay off my loans. I don't even know if I can get a job that is in my field right away. I'm more interested in the academic side of things and I don't want to have to work for an oil company or something doing hack archaeology trying to get as much information as possible before the area is developed.
I realized the other day that I feel more alone and isolated than I have in other years. For the past four years, my social group has been choir. Now that I'm not in choir, I don't have a social group that replaces it. I'm really hoping that with a new semester's schedule, I'll be able to go to karaoke and maybe re-integrate myself into the social scene. Another part of the problem is that with everybody in my classes, who I could make a social group with, are graduating this year and will be scattering. I will have more time to try to connect to people next semester and after that then I'll have a social group with the people that I'll be working with. It was just very humbling to realize how isolated I've become this semester.