OK, so I found a website with a bunch of anthro pick-up lines and jokes. If you don't like cheesy nerdy humour, don't read any further! I just think these are too funny not to post somewhere.
Are you happy to see me or is that a trowel in your pocket?
You fit my culturally defined paradigm of beauty.
So tell me about your culture's sex taboos and to which do you adhere?
Archaeologists do it in the dirt, get out for a beer, and do it again
Historical archaeologists have an easier time getting a date than prehistoric archaeologists.
I find your culture fascinating...I'd like to learn more about your mating rituals.
Why yes I do have a boyfriend but.. *looks him up and down* ...in this case I think polyandry is a viable sociobiological sexual situation.
I think you should continue your mtDNA lineage. How about I come to your lab and help you work on it?
Wanna see my bone?
Baby, you make this Homo erectus.
Archaeologists are not afraid to get on their knees.
Can I excavate your mounds?
Archaeologists think about sex a lot because they're dirty.
"here's some food, can I copulate with you?" -The C. Owen Lovejoy mate provisioning pair bonding pick up line
Damn baby, your ischial callosities are poppin'.
Archaeologists: we dig deep, but take it slow....
Hey can i do a participant observation of your sex rituals tonight?
Did it hurt when you fell from your culture's dogmatic view of an afterlife?
Can I interest you in a little G-G rubbing?
OK, well, I think they're funny. Especially the Lovejoy one, cause I think his theory is just funny anyway. God do I feel like a nerd now.
Are you happy to see me or is that a trowel in your pocket?
You fit my culturally defined paradigm of beauty.
So tell me about your culture's sex taboos and to which do you adhere?
Archaeologists do it in the dirt, get out for a beer, and do it again
Historical archaeologists have an easier time getting a date than prehistoric archaeologists.
I find your culture fascinating...I'd like to learn more about your mating rituals.
Why yes I do have a boyfriend but.. *looks him up and down* ...in this case I think polyandry is a viable sociobiological sexual situation.
I think you should continue your mtDNA lineage. How about I come to your lab and help you work on it?
Wanna see my bone?
Baby, you make this Homo erectus.
Archaeologists are not afraid to get on their knees.
Can I excavate your mounds?
Archaeologists think about sex a lot because they're dirty.
"here's some food, can I copulate with you?" -The C. Owen Lovejoy mate provisioning pair bonding pick up line
Damn baby, your ischial callosities are poppin'.
Archaeologists: we dig deep, but take it slow....
Hey can i do a participant observation of your sex rituals tonight?
Did it hurt when you fell from your culture's dogmatic view of an afterlife?
Can I interest you in a little G-G rubbing?
OK, well, I think they're funny. Especially the Lovejoy one, cause I think his theory is just funny anyway. God do I feel like a nerd now.
I loves it.