I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall trying to get everything done. But right now I'm torn between staying up to watch the game (cause I'm officially cheering for Vancouver, which will likely mean their immediate elimination) or going to bed early so I can get up early and work when I'm not feeling half asleep. Maybe I'll go get yet more coffee and see if that lasts me through the 3rd. But I only have 2 more exams. So things are looking up.
Here's a question though: when you're applying for grants for summer jobs, why do the selection committees wait until mid-May to tell you if you have the funding?? I have a kick ass summer job lined up (which they've already started training me for), but if the funding doesn't go through then I have to start searching for work. I think those grant-giving people must really like suspense or something.
Here's a question though: when you're applying for grants for summer jobs, why do the selection committees wait until mid-May to tell you if you have the funding?? I have a kick ass summer job lined up (which they've already started training me for), but if the funding doesn't go through then I have to start searching for work. I think those grant-giving people must really like suspense or something.

Thank goodness Vancouver won. I actually have a team I can cheer for. Sorta.