I'm not going to pretend this is anything its not....this is purely a procrastination post. I've got a few assignments to do, and right now I'm pretending to think about which one to work on.
Knee update: I am making progress in getting it to bend again. I can almost go upstairs normally. Downstairs not so much. If it keeps progressing, I might be able to stop wearing the brace after my next physio appointment. *Crossing fingers*
Meh, forget the papers...time for some Star Trek!
Knee update: I am making progress in getting it to bend again. I can almost go upstairs normally. Downstairs not so much. If it keeps progressing, I might be able to stop wearing the brace after my next physio appointment. *Crossing fingers*
Meh, forget the papers...time for some Star Trek!
I could walk dogs... sure. Why not. Umm... do you know anyone who needs a dog walked?
I just screwed up typing "dog" both times. But if you know anyone who needs a god walked...
I just like to be all pretentious and use obscure music