Well it's been a while since my grandmothers passing and everything is getting better took a while for me to adjust to everything but things are getting better. Things at work are a roller coaster there is this lazy guy at my work who is extremely lazy he checks himself out in the mirror for hour thinking he is god's gift to women and he doesn't even work literally does nothing why they haven't fired him idk but the guy is consistently pissing me off i have news flash for him he isn't god's gift to women i won't lie there are beautiful women at my work but its funny how he can't even get ANY OF THEM to like him he even asked why and they said beautiful women don't go for a guy who looks like him i just laughed at that and i'm not trying to be cocky but all the women at my work want to get with me and i won't because of the fact that i know how they are they like to play games and one of them is messing with the boss nope i don't like mind games and i really don't want to play what is your std nope not happening with me plus i already have someone special that i wouldn't want to make mad she is really good to me and hasn't fucked me over.
Other than that i've been playing halo reach and black ops that is my only way to release my aggression i hope i can play with someone if anyone has X box how is everyone else doing?
Other than that i've been playing halo reach and black ops that is my only way to release my aggression i hope i can play with someone if anyone has X box how is everyone else doing?
And I have totally been going through shit with an annoying new coworker as well, she drives me insane, she has no common sense whatsoever and is totally lazy. And now on top of that she is trying to fuck my roommate.
So I can relate lol. Glad to hear you're doing well and your lady is treating you right