followed by this week I have been working on my Mini after spending the day traverling on Monday. Tuesday consisted of me removing my engine from the mini and striping it, followed by wednesday looking into how to fix the thing. Then I decided that it was best to buy a brand new one. so I did and a quick phone call later and I found a 1380 that was ready to be sent to france although because the customer hadn't payed yet, so I convinced them that it would be a good idear to sell me the engine, they agreed and so I went on my way to collect it. I also sold them my 1275 that was in bits. today I managed to put my new engine into my mini with only a few unexspected set backs, but it only took a quick trip to the scrap yard, clean up and if posible a new coat of paint!!
It should be running tomorrow and I will be driving by the weekend 8) which is awesome, I have not drivern my Mini since October last year!!!!