Coucou tout le monde !
As some of you may know, I am quite of a gamer. I mostly play World of Warcraft, which is one of my favorite games, and I have moments when I play it all the time.
But now is not one of those moments, I actualy canceled my sub because right now I am playing some other games that take all my gaming time. And I will tell you about those in this blog ✨
The first one is the amazing Zelda, Breath of the wild, that I received from my wishlist at christmas by a very kind person ! Much thanks to you if you read this 😽 This game is amazing. I mostly bought the switch to play it, because I heard so much good about it. And it really deserves all this ! It is beautiful and an amazing experience to do thanks to some features they put in the game. I love the enygmas, for which you have to use Link's different powers, and I also love so much climbing mountains to jump from them and go as far as I can with my paraglider. Also, sometimes, I just stop at the top of a mountain to admire the vie because... So beautiful. I think the openworld particulary makes sense in this game and is incredibly well done. I often kinda forget for a while about my quests because I am tooken in the exploration of such a beautiful and rich world. I won't spoil the story, but I love it too, and the game made me cry 🖤
The second game is Cyberpunk 2077. I know there are a lot of bad things said about it, because it went out with so bugy, but it's been pached and I could have a very good experience of the game. The graphisms art not what we could have waited for, and I understand the disapointment, but it did not bother me. I like that you are really free to put what you want in your V (the character), and that the playstyle you choose can be working. In some games I come very disapointed with the sneek playstyle, which doesn't work good, but in Cyberpunk it worked very well, especialy coupled with the hacking. Also, I find the main idea so interesting. I was very scared I don't like it, because the idea of your conscience disapearing, being erased by another, is so scary. But, like V, if think you are at first very scared and angry and then you learn to know this other counscience and you even begin to like the other person you have in your head... I really loved the interactions with Johnny, and hot V and him learn to know each other and become more and more alike, eachother having an action on the other one. Also, I liked making evolve relationships with other characters, there are interesting romances (Judyyyy 😻) and friendships. And there are so powerful and interesting conversations ! So, I understand one can be disapointed or frustrated by the game, but I think despite all, it is a good game, a very interesting experience.
I will stop here about that blog ! I am wishing you all a very good WE !
@penny @eirenne @missy @lemon