Coucou tout le monde !
Since everybody is back to school, let's do a blog homework!
This week's subject is : "What are three things you'd like to accomplish before you die" .
I find it kinda complicated to chose three... When I'm asked what I'm wish to accomplish before dying, I usualy answer that I want to feel a lot of things and also want to make feel a lot of things to others. But I guess it is too general for the subject.
So... It may be going to change, because I change, but I will take things I've been wanting for long, and also things difficult to accomplish so it will not change too fast...
The first thing is a dream I have since I was a child : I wish to write a book. I began writing at the age of 10, and kinda never stopped. I wrote two novels, but I could not find anyone to publish them... So, this is the first thing I want to accomplish before dying.
The second one is arty too, I thing it is related to my wish to feel and make feel a lot. I wish to become a great dancer. I am practicing ballet dance and jazz dance, but I am not very good yet. Still, I am trying hard. I would love to do some shows or things like that. I love to be on a stage to dance. So, I think it is the second thing I wish to achieve.
The third is more complicated to find. I wish lots of things, but I can only write three... So, I will take something very big. I wish I help things to become better in my country and in the world. I know it is very big ^-^ And it is not neceseraly something I want before dying... But I really want to help things to be better for people and for the environment. I really do what I can for that, I am very engaged in politics to defend people in need and the environment. So, such as a person I know says : I wish "in the end, we will win" .
Thank you very much @rambo @missy for this blog homework!