Coucou tout le monde ! 🦇
Once again, really interesting blog homework.
Well, for this one, I could have think of things more usual than what I am going to talk about, things that seem to fit more with the subject, like helping old neighbours to get supplies in those times, or whatever... But I won't. Because there is something I really think it is important to talk about, because it is the big thing I do to help other people. This thing is being commited in politics.
Well, maybe you won't like this blog, because maybe you don't have the same ideas I have, or else but if you don't agree and don't want to read that, then, just don't read it.
I have been commited in politics for many years now. I come from a family in which you don't talk about politics. What you vote for is your opinion, your concern, not others... I waw raised like that.
Growing older, I began to notice there were things going bad for lots of people. People who don't have enough money to live properly, not the same chances for everyone to do the studies they want, people who have to spend their live working without playing with their children 'cause they barely have money to feed them.
And then I met people who were fighting to defend people's rights. Who were fighting for others. Who were fighting by being commited in politics, by trying to change things. And despite I am very shy and don't like to talk to strangers, I began to help them, to go see people to talk politics with them, to try to convince them that what you vote for is so very important.
I commited more and more, and this year, I was on a list for the elections in my town. Because I want to help people. People in my town, like in every town, there are people who live in very difficult conditions, who can't afford the subway, who are cold at home, who are living in little places with to many people, who can't eat properly, who don't have work, who don't have anywhere to live... So, I was on this list to defend them, to listen to them and then be their voice. People those people are not heard. They are so often forgotten. So, to help people, I become their voice. I try to bring their words, their needs, their ideas in places where they are not usualy. And I try to bring those people there too.
Once again, sorry for my english. And thanks for reading !
Thank you very much to @rambo @missy @eirenne