I would like to thank everybody for the support here. merci beaucoup à tous !
You are 1300 to follow me, and my debut set is 1400 likes, my other one a bit less. Thank you very much for being so many, and also for your comments on my blogs, my photos and my sets, I am so proud and so happy to be here ! You are all so lovely, so kind, you tell me so much adorable things, I would like to thank you very very much.
Merci beaucoup pour vos gentillesse, pour vos mots qui me vont droit au cœur, pour votre support sur ce que je poste, cela me fait tellement plaisir.
I would have liked to post some pic to say this thank you, but unfortunatly my phone doesn't work anymore, so I don't have any way to take some pics, and since I just loose my job, it is not the good time for me to buy a new one. J'attendrai d'avoir un nouveau téléphone, fonctionnel, pour pouvoir reposter des photos... et qui sait il arrivera peut-être plus vite que prévu.
Encore mille merci à ceux qui me suivent, qui commentent mon contenu, qui m'envoient des messages, vous êtes super !Merci beaucoup SG !
Thank you so much to all who support me, write to me and let me say that they like what I post. Thank you SG :)