Somehow the first two pics are of nice deserted island beaches, so to continue with that theme, this is winter on St. Paul Island, the northern island of the group called the Pribilof Islands. They are located in the Bering Sea between Alaska and the eastern coast of Russia. The islands are quite barren with low brush growing in very rocky and sandy soil. There are no beaches or resorts, and it is a place where the silence is broken only by the cold howling wind. About 700 people, primarily Aleuts, live at the southern end of this island around a harbour and a fishing fleet that provides the main source of income. Alaska King Crab is caught in the deep waters around the island and processed in low sheds that ring the harbour. The Pribilofs were originally inhabited by Russians to harvest fur seals.
Photo is looking northwest towards Russia, and in the forground is a beautiful black sand bank. Left is a frozen fresh water lake and on the horizon to the right is the Bering Sea.
If one wishes to travel to a place where one can feel insigificant in the world and very, very isolated, I highly recommend the Pribilofs. (People do actually go there to photograph migratory birds, so I don't want to undersell the place.)
A little more inviting than the desolate one of St paul Island but I dont really go for the cold too much. Desolation and expansive reaches of Profoundly untouched Earth in any way shape or form YES!
I think I will actually be going to Granada now and wont get to go till Early April. Maybe will still get to go to Cuba in the Fall. not sure yet. You were in Jamaica for 2 months thats a good streatch of time. How fun!
lucky dog...