Hi everyone enjoying my holiday from work getting my costume sorted for saturday its my birthday and we r dressing up as cowboys and indians i'm going as a cowboy what would u go as cowboy or indian let me no.
If anyone wants to come its at the Hatchet pub in Bristol fancy dress optional. Bought a brand new bed yesterday it came this morning i've been i bed since it came its really comfy can't wait till i go to bed hope to see alot of u saturday night bye for now update soon
If anyone wants to come its at the Hatchet pub in Bristol fancy dress optional. Bought a brand new bed yesterday it came this morning i've been i bed since it came its really comfy can't wait till i go to bed hope to see alot of u saturday night bye for now update soon
Yeah, v.cool nightout mate
get me on your MSN we can chat about random stuff and plan the important business of getting drunk

what an excellent night sir, the best i have had in many years i tell thee!!! we are all gonna have to get together again soon to have round 2 haha