Crows, ravens, rooks, almost all the corvids = smarter than a psittacine any day of the week, and three times on Sunday. It's a fact (and I should know).
And then there's the Philippine Eagle, possibly the most beautiful bird I have ever seen:
And then there's the cassowary, possibly the most awesome bird in existence:
Check out this galliforme breeding display:
The Temminck's Tragopan
Then there's the majesty of the cranes:
I could go on and on, but I'm getting restless

And then there's the Philippine Eagle, possibly the most beautiful bird I have ever seen:

And then there's the cassowary, possibly the most awesome bird in existence:

Check out this galliforme breeding display:
The Temminck's Tragopan
Then there's the majesty of the cranes:
I could go on and on, but I'm getting restless
Oh and I really don't think anyone would wish to spit you out...gotta savour the moments as you get em.