Well, well, time for a post.. i went for 2 big bike rides yesterday and had 2 flat tires and a blown spoke!! and im a city rider not a downhill mountain bike type!! it just wasn't my day i guess... its been very nice weather these days, vancouver has been real sunny all summer... but alas now the leaves will turn and the rain...
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Hello, i disappeared for a while but somehow i got pulled back in, the girls round here are so beautiful and real. I have been travelling around BC and having a great summer.. more later.. biggrin
Sweet dude...welcome back!
dude, good to be back...how the f&*k are you??
on my way out folks, wont be updating much anymore, thanx for a real good time smile
All Quiet...
its raining AGAIN!!! i'm bored to tears, i dont know what to do with myself today... write a song? too much work...sit around on my ass and wonder why i dont have reams of songs? geee, i wonder...
Either a scarlett > fire or a china cat > sunflower is always a good combo.
Hi, im lame....lots of news in my life but no new entry's here.... been in the studio recording my songs, been travelling to the gulf islands to hang with friends in one of the true natural paradise power spots of the world, been loveing my wife and our sweet little boy.... been drinking a little too much in muy opinion, couple of glasses of wine...
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Since you already know there is an SGBC, which you have applied for but the question is "Can someone vouche for you who's in the SGBC?", if not we are having an Vancouver: Meet and Greet to meet members in BC!
Hello cyber communtiy, its sunday morning here in the west, my morning tea is going down good, last night a few drinks were had and i dont feel too bad as a result. I have a weakness for nice scotch and i spent 20 bucks on 2 oz. of the stuff, not a habit i should get used to. I am thinking of writing a...
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Vancouver meet and Greet Event @ Jupiter Lounge!

Please leave a comment or message in my journal, that you are coming to the event!
Man I used to love scotch, unfortunately it doesn't like me anymore.
As for writing, I have no advice that isn't cliche (begin at the beginning? whatever ).
I never have trouble beginning myself, it's the finishing part I never seem to work out.
boy am i popular! look at all my comments, i guess things are getting pretty diluted here...theres loads of people round here now. I am at home, sick as a dog, flu gots the best of me dont ya know. I still enjoy seeing the new daily gals on the site but i seem to be losing interest a little. I am 35 years old,...
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Hey there... I hear you on the "getting bored" thing. There'll be days that go by with no one commenting to my posts. I often feel like I'm posting to myself, and quite frankly, what's the point in that? I dunno... I think my time here may be limited too. My problem is that I think I expect too much... again, I dunno. Just to let you know, you're not alone in this boat.

What did the illustrious Beatle Sir Paul McCartney do? He's on his Bono-esque crusade by telling Canada what to do about the seal hunt. Not that I'm for it, but he's pathetic and misinformed.
oh people, in that place where all seems flat and loveless, frown flat line you know? i try to rise up and realize that where i am in life isn't all bad, shit, it isn't! but when love loses its shine, when you get bogged down in the running of your good ship life, gotta get outta here, i need a mini vacation, where should i...
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well, i did play the gig, having first had a conflict with Lisa about freedom and money, then a gig with the worst on stage sound ever, then spiritual alcohol poisioning, and then a continuation of our fight yesterday....needless to say I am a little down and grumpy today but no worries, I'm going to see my shrink today!! 2x a month i see my...
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Well, im playing music tonight at a local club tonight. My band, Gumption, will play 10 songs, 8 of which our mine. I am looking forward to it, theres just no pot smoking just before the gig. This is the first gig in a while so weed could kill it it a forgetful haze of stonedness!!Its another sunny day and I am gonna go for...
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Hey dude... hope the show went well.

Oh yeah, time frame wise, that's the best for the The Who... I'd probably even push it to say, 73-74.