Ever so slowly.. I think I'm getting back to normal. My dreams have been exceedingly dark and disturbing lately, but they often are so I've come to take it as a matter of course. The caring of a few special people has gone a long way towards dragging me back from the pit I was sinking in and if I get this job I'm after. I might actually feel human again. The other night was the first time I've smiled in months that wasn't just for show.
Updates shall continue to be as sporadic as I deem fit
After all.. tisn't like anyone really reads this shite anyway hehe.
Updates shall continue to be as sporadic as I deem fit

In other news...backpiece is finally finished!!! Now if I can just get off my lazy ass to blog about it. Off to Myrtle Beach Bike Week in a few days. Gotta love 60 miles of beaches and 300,000+ bikes!
Anyway, glad you're back!