work: good word crunching. almost word-of-god day. strangeness with colleague bringing in ickle small baby thing. set me thinking 'bout the politics of breeding. i'll be stuck on a pondering loop over that for a while now & will prob bore poor flatmate to tears
nice email from 2 good ol' freinds & a brief chat with one on messenger. always good to know they're well and haven't completely forgotten about me. have to go to london and visit them. getting itchy for it. need a little of that spark-skin-metro-buzz.
flatmate confiscated fight club this morning (both novel and video). no fair! it's the new i ching i tell you! _i_am_tyler_durden
"pleasure for the beautiful body. pain for the beautiful soul"
yep.... I dont know why ninth gate is in my list.... maybe it was just the johnny D bookist thing. Hehe... 'the man who fell to earth'.... now that's an odd one! but you can take american beauty off that list! Oh Please!!!