Thank you @sdawg74 For adding me to his list of people wanting answers to question... Just sorry that it took so long!
1. Your favorite things you love about the Fall season?
I love the crisp weather... Love that change
2. Who's decorating for Halloween?
Had out some simple banners with ghosts and such along the front deck and some pumpkins in a whiskey barrel outside the main window of the living room. Keeping it simple.
3. Have you decided on a Halloween costume?
Sadly no events requiring a costume this year. Being a caretaker of family really eats into my personal time. An old picture of when I went to a Halloween party as Randal from Clerks 2 however!
4. Favorite outdoor Fall activities?
Getting out and walking around is always great by me!
5. Favorite horror movies?
The Frighteners or anything classic Lovecraftian.
6. Favorite Halloween song 🎵🎶?
Don't really have one for this...
7. Have you ever visited a cemetery at night?
Yeah... but it wasn't anything special really.
8. Who's going on vacation or holiday this fall?
No time and no money for that... Maybe next year.
9. Who's going camping or spending some time in nature this fall?
Just on the local walking trails
10. Favorite Fall and Halloween alcohol drinks?
A bit of hard cider or a fall themed beer at a local microbrewery is always good for me!
11. Anyone going to our hosting a Halloween party?
Not this year.
12. Do you have a favorite Halloween themed set from the past or present?
Not sure if it is really themed for Halloween, but @penny with This Is My Costume that knocks me out everytime I see it.
(didn't have a goth phase until finding this site and her in particular... damn....)
13. Your current status like married, dating, BF, GF or single?
Single... wish that I could but my headspace just won't let me with all I have going on.
14. Who is your bestie on the SG website name only one model or member?
I'd say @kungfury is a pretty awesome guy. I enjoy his posts and has always been a genuinely good dude. Otherwise, most people that I've interacted with in the forums or in a few DMs have been pretty cool in general.... I thank you all for your time and definitely the laughs!
15. Do you believe in witches?
There are many things in the world that can be there... so I'm saying yes.
16. Who's in love or looking for love?
I wish it would arrive regardless.... heh
17. Do you believe in ghosts?
Now the long portion of this blog... I was on a ghost hunt with a friend of mine that is fairly well-known in the metal community... Corey Taylor of Slipknot wrote a book called A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven. I was with him on that particular trip to a small rural school house and spent hours trying to find something more... and we did have several experiences there. He would call me by my last name as a reference to the wrestler (KENNEDY!!!.... KENNEDY!) but, with all due honesty, we had a blast there.... Here is the part that he mentions me and the kind of person that I am.
18. Who's horny now?
Not currently but I haven't had a chance to look at the latest and greatest tonight on this site.... heh
19. Who will likely do a Fall Questionnaire?
@kungfury currently has a running blog but would love to see more here. @nebula if just because she shares a love of MtG with me. @runegalexia and @brujaja have always been fantastic on their twitch streams, though I apologize for my absence lately due to family and my lack of time for much else. No pressure, but anyone that wants to do so should.... this is a good community after all!
20. Who enjoys questionnaires?
I do so bring more on... just know it may take me a while to get them done... haha