Finally got to see Guardians 3 yesterday and it was bittersweet for me.
It was a great way to bring the trilogy to a solid end. It hit a lot of highs and lows in the story, but it was always solid for me. IMHO, it was the best trilogy from the Disney Marvel flick, just beating out Captain America.
It also left me feeling that I can walk away from the Disney Marvel properties and I would be fine. Most everything since Endgame has left me pretty neutral or worse. I did enjoy Antman and the Wasp Quantumania and Loki was pretty tight - though the train episode needed a rewrite. I enjoyed a fair amount of WandaVision... but from there.... I am just indifferent.
It's okay though to decide to walk away from franchises when you just don't get the feels anymore. I know that I am not the demographic that things are targeted and haven't been for a long while. If others enjoy it, more power to what you love.... but I feel good about what I have seen.
Now if I have friends that want to see them, fine. Time with friends is awesome. But things like Marvel, Star Wars, and others... just doesn't get me going.
Time to find something new. The last 'new thing' that blew me away was 'The Expanse' so time to find something new... or rewatch the stuff that I still enjoy.