ok you can stop with the update requests
photo blog
well its summer here
and im loving what it does tot he country side here
i spend as much free time as i can exploring
specially along canals (secretly i wand to live on a narrow boat)
so far my adventures have taken me to edinburgh in feb

was -6 at the time up behind the backpackers i was staying in
image taken after to much cider and splifs(so couldnt feel the cold)
(yes they are ice crystals forming on the foot path)

authers seat the next day
also i managed to get to france in the middle of the volcanic eruptions
but not before being stuck in brighton for 3 days before hand
(i got to drive at just over 150 on an autobarn in germany (would have gone fatser but a fucking lorry pulled out in front of me (at 150kph 400 gets covered very fast thank christ for good breaks in the hire car))

climbed a really tall building
trained for a new comapny in mordcomb
the bay is beautiful
the town is shite
its rigth next to lancaster

view from my B&B is stayed at in moredcomb
and been to wales twice to bets-y-coed up in the snowdonia mountains

lake near mount snowden
note the chage in color of the grass/heather half way up the mountain
that is wherethere is a dry stone wall
note the mountina is very very steap
next adventure in hungrey in august
followed by going back to france in september october
this time the south of france
and last but not least

photo blog
well its summer here
and im loving what it does tot he country side here
i spend as much free time as i can exploring
specially along canals (secretly i wand to live on a narrow boat)
so far my adventures have taken me to edinburgh in feb

was -6 at the time up behind the backpackers i was staying in
image taken after to much cider and splifs(so couldnt feel the cold)
(yes they are ice crystals forming on the foot path)

authers seat the next day
also i managed to get to france in the middle of the volcanic eruptions
but not before being stuck in brighton for 3 days before hand
(i got to drive at just over 150 on an autobarn in germany (would have gone fatser but a fucking lorry pulled out in front of me (at 150kph 400 gets covered very fast thank christ for good breaks in the hire car))

climbed a really tall building
trained for a new comapny in mordcomb
the bay is beautiful
the town is shite
its rigth next to lancaster

view from my B&B is stayed at in moredcomb
and been to wales twice to bets-y-coed up in the snowdonia mountains

lake near mount snowden
note the chage in color of the grass/heather half way up the mountain
that is wherethere is a dry stone wall
note the mountina is very very steap
next adventure in hungrey in august
followed by going back to france in september october
this time the south of france
and last but not least

So how long are you going to spend OS? You really have become the happy wanderer!
Blessings for your journey - See you on FB and SG!