brand new egyptian 400 thread count cotton sheets
there orgazmic
(i'd say cumtastic but some one els has stolen that term form me now)
sydney was good
its helped give me some new energy and a better out look on a lot of things in my life that where becoming clouded over
got to spend time with a couple of friends who i hadent seen in nearly a year (in some cases more)
and get to spend time with some one who rocks my world
and most importantly the reason for the northerly trip
the beautiful miss morgannahh's b'day partys
well the sydney leg of the party
the final leg to be compleated this weekend in melbourne
both friday and saturday nights where wonderful nights
with lots of wonderful syd woll bris and the one melb sg member to help her do it in style
brand new egyptian 400 thread count cotton sheets
there orgazmic
(i'd say cumtastic but some one els has stolen that term form me now)
sydney was good
its helped give me some new energy and a better out look on a lot of things in my life that where becoming clouded over
got to spend time with a couple of friends who i hadent seen in nearly a year (in some cases more)
and get to spend time with some one who rocks my world
and most importantly the reason for the northerly trip
the beautiful miss morgannahh's b'day partys
well the sydney leg of the party
the final leg to be compleated this weekend in melbourne
both friday and saturday nights where wonderful nights
with lots of wonderful syd woll bris and the one melb sg member to help her do it in style

yeah cant go wrong with the egyptian cotton sheets man they are the shit!! so nice to curl up on

go get pierced by carla at off ya tree on swanston st! or athenia at vic market tattoos!