What a great weekend - What a great few weeks!
Saturday was more fun than I've had in a long time with one person and Sunday's roast with my closest friends was also right up there. Even if my parsnips carbonised themsleves to the oven tray.
I still can't believe how far I've come in just one year. From the person I was when she left to the almost totally different one I am now. Generally happier, easier going, looser, fitter, more confident, frivolous and just that little bit daring. I keep forgetting everything I've achieved this year (I have to start listing them down when I think of them as I've done so much) and put myself through. More than any other year that's for sure. So many accolades, qualifications and triumphs. Not just physical or carerr wise but emotional.
And then there are the mistakes. But they are outweighed by all the good stuff. Like this weekend for instance - the epitomy of the person I am now. Now that I'm not held back or fighting anything all the time. Not fighting myself! OK, well maybe a little still.
Now go and listen to this track - My top song of 2009. Whats yours??!
Saturday was more fun than I've had in a long time with one person and Sunday's roast with my closest friends was also right up there. Even if my parsnips carbonised themsleves to the oven tray.
I still can't believe how far I've come in just one year. From the person I was when she left to the almost totally different one I am now. Generally happier, easier going, looser, fitter, more confident, frivolous and just that little bit daring. I keep forgetting everything I've achieved this year (I have to start listing them down when I think of them as I've done so much) and put myself through. More than any other year that's for sure. So many accolades, qualifications and triumphs. Not just physical or carerr wise but emotional.
And then there are the mistakes. But they are outweighed by all the good stuff. Like this weekend for instance - the epitomy of the person I am now. Now that I'm not held back or fighting anything all the time. Not fighting myself! OK, well maybe a little still.
Now go and listen to this track - My top song of 2009. Whats yours??!
Toot ired to think of my fav track at the moment, I can't remember what was around at the start of the year... Green Day are bound to be in my top 5 though