so today was horriable day for me!
started off with siting in the car at school, since we go early to get a stop alex and i just sit in the car till its time to walk to class..well alex went to grab some donuts for us and i stayd in the car...well on the radio she was talking about this video and about to soliders carryin a puppy...anyway ..she playd the fuckin audio and i bein stupid at the time listend to it..and startd to ball my eyes out...and alex comes back and is like what happen..i told him and he was sad about it too..not as much as i was...
well if u havent heard....about these to stupid soliders , marines..i dont give a fuck who they are...the both walkin on holdin a puppy by its neck and are both jokin and laughin sayin "aw he is so cute" then the fuckin idiot goes..."oops, i tripd"
he fuckin throws the puppy over a cliff!!!! errrrrr im so angry..and u fuckin here the puppy crying as its being thrown over the cliff!!!!
how does someone do this!....why does someone do this!!!!!
i guess they pulld the video off youtube and so against animal abuse..i hate people like this..its like throwin a baby over a cliff...and puppy is so helpless and what did the puppy do to deserve this...nothing..
then my day just got worse we watchd that fuckin fast food nation moive..and they show how they kill the cows...lovely..i had to put my head down and not watch but of course i caught some of it..them slittin the cows thorat...cuttin its feet off..and skinn it...
just for a fuckin burger for ppl to eat...yet..i know i eat burgers too...yet makes me want meat less....
ugh..then i had a fuckin mid term i was far ready for.....
but serious what is wrong with this world...i wish and hope the punishment would be to throw that fucker off a cliff...and his friend says" man why u do that"
started off with siting in the car at school, since we go early to get a stop alex and i just sit in the car till its time to walk to class..well alex went to grab some donuts for us and i stayd in the car...well on the radio she was talking about this video and about to soliders carryin a puppy...anyway ..she playd the fuckin audio and i bein stupid at the time listend to it..and startd to ball my eyes out...and alex comes back and is like what happen..i told him and he was sad about it too..not as much as i was...
well if u havent heard....about these to stupid soliders , marines..i dont give a fuck who they are...the both walkin on holdin a puppy by its neck and are both jokin and laughin sayin "aw he is so cute" then the fuckin idiot goes..."oops, i tripd"
he fuckin throws the puppy over a cliff!!!! errrrrr im so angry..and u fuckin here the puppy crying as its being thrown over the cliff!!!!
how does someone do this!....why does someone do this!!!!!
i guess they pulld the video off youtube and so against animal abuse..i hate people like this..its like throwin a baby over a cliff...and puppy is so helpless and what did the puppy do to deserve this...nothing..
then my day just got worse we watchd that fuckin fast food nation moive..and they show how they kill the cows...lovely..i had to put my head down and not watch but of course i caught some of it..them slittin the cows thorat...cuttin its feet off..and skinn it...
just for a fuckin burger for ppl to eat...yet..i know i eat burgers too...yet makes me want meat less....
ugh..then i had a fuckin mid term i was far ready for.....
but serious what is wrong with this world...i wish and hope the punishment would be to throw that fucker off a cliff...and his friend says" man why u do that"

Whatever happens, he's going to be in trouble.