Who made the mix that had "Truck Driving Son of a Bitch" by Deadbolt at the last CD exhange party? The disk and playlist have no name on them. That became my cross country anthem. My first vehicle is a big old truck at 80mph.
Holy shit is it strange to be here in the SF area. This is where I grew up, where it was once just a funky place to be and now its fucking real estate freakville. People are paying at least 150k over the asking prices on peoples homes and they are paying cash! Plus there has been a ton of developement and its been made in a way thats more "consciously" trying to be hip without much creativity.
Mostly been laying low until I can get my condo money, it finally closed yesterday, and the check should be arriving some time today.
It also seems more and more likely that I can make a lot of money here which freaks me the hell out.
Anyway I haven't met the SGSF people yet but I can't see how they can be as cool as SGChicago.
SGChicago, I'm still missing you.
Holy shit is it strange to be here in the SF area. This is where I grew up, where it was once just a funky place to be and now its fucking real estate freakville. People are paying at least 150k over the asking prices on peoples homes and they are paying cash! Plus there has been a ton of developement and its been made in a way thats more "consciously" trying to be hip without much creativity.
Mostly been laying low until I can get my condo money, it finally closed yesterday, and the check should be arriving some time today.
It also seems more and more likely that I can make a lot of money here which freaks me the hell out.
Anyway I haven't met the SGSF people yet but I can't see how they can be as cool as SGChicago.
SGChicago, I'm still missing you.
hey that's cool, i didn't realize you were a berkeley native. i'm not really sure what to expect from berkeley high. i went to a large (2000 students), public high school, so it shouldn't be too different. any words of wisdom?
we miss you too.
nothnig beats chicago