re: academics and outsiders. academics are really about outside knowledge, so that would not be the problem. what would be an issue i think is actually studying acadmiecs. an academic studying academics would be bad - b/c you would prolly draw some unpleasant conclusions and report some nasty stories. it just wouldn't go over well - and you couldn't escape it. it would follow you, and you'd never get tenure maybe. it would be a big gamble
as for what you should do ... it sounds like you're in a tight spot. i dunno. i mean, is there anyway to do both? could you work, and go to school part time? would that be something you would be interested in?
as for what you should do ... it sounds like you're in a tight spot. i dunno. i mean, is there anyway to do both? could you work, and go to school part time? would that be something you would be interested in?