EDIT: Wow! Hey...I was going to update this thing but you all already wished me a happy birthday!
34 was a mutherfyucker...thats what I get for outliving Jesus I guess.
Shit! I've been running from the sandmen for 5 years now and they haven't caught me yet.
Here's to being a runner!
Thanks for all of the birthday wishes and the future ones too!
Long live the long livers with long lasting livers!
I'm a follower not a leader...I got this from sweetavenue but I've been dying to live out this fantasy that I am so interesting that you all will be floored by my responses...
mmm..okay *licks lips* here goes...
* Have you ever...(put an X next to the things that apply to you)
(X) Been drunk.
(X) Smoked pot.
(X) Kissed a member of the opposite sex.
(X) Rode in a taxi.
(X) Been dumped.
(X)Been in a fistfight.
(X) Been arrested. Possession...
(X) Made out with a stranger
celebrated new years in Times Square.
(X) Went on a blind date.
(X) Lied to a friend.
Had a crush on a teacher.
(X) Skipped school.
A p p e a r a n c e
Height: 5'11"
Hair color: Brown...a little grey too
Skin color: Farmers stylee!
Eye color: Hazel
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: 0
R i g h t n o w
What color are the pants that you are wearing? Green Cargo shorts
What song are you listening to right now? Art Decade by David Bowie
What taste is in your mouth? Toothepaste
What's the weather like now? Cool & windy
How are you? Pretty good ..maybe very good even
Get motion sickness? rarely.
Have a bad habit? is smoking a bad habit?
Like to drive? on the OP Highway...
F a v o r i t e s
TV show: I need one I guess
Book: Shit I dunno..I liked Karma Cola
Non-Alcoholic drink: cofee of course
Alcoholic drink: I am loving the MacIntosh ( a whiskey apple martini)...also Rum & apple Juice
Thing to do on the weekend: See a show with friends...or be with a lover
H a v e y o u...
Broken the law: Yes possession is 9/10s of the law.
Ran away from home: Yes...I was a young turd before.
Gone skinny dipping: Yes
Ever tipped over a porta potty: Thats next on my list
Used your parents' credit card before: No..
Fell asleep in shower/bath: No
Been in a school play: Many times...
L o v e
Boyfriend/girlfriend: Not yet
Current crush: Seems to happen often...I just roll with it until I'm satisfied.
Been in love: Yes...even insane style
Had a hard time getting over someone:
I guess it has been hard but I think a relationship this old is supposed to be harder.
Been hurt: Yes..but I think I've changed.
Greatest regret: Used to be not getting invloved with the swinger dinger parties and shit at my old place. Fuck I can still party.
Gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: Why not?
R a n d o m
Do you have a job: Yes...its dull but real
Your CD player has in it right now: I'm having problems with it. Last disc in it was Yaqui UXO by godspeed
If you were a crayon what color would you be: Burnt Orange or Brick Red
What makes you happy: friends, music, sex...something internal too, madness perhaps..or wisdom...i think I learned how to dope myself.
Next CD you're gonna get: hmmm... Built To Spill live maybe
W h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t
Time you cried: Shit..last April when that stripper broke up with me.
Time you got a real letter: About a week ago from a divine lady from this site.
You got an important e-mail: I guess something divorce like.
Thing you purchased: TP
Movie you saw in the theater: I, Robot...It was awesome!
Last Cigarette: Lucky Strike
Last Alcoholic Drink: A Stella before going home after work
Last Car Ride: Cab ride home Friday night
Last Kiss: This woman that my old swinger neighbors set me up with
Last Library Book: A SQL Server book that I returned to the wrong Library (Chicago instead of Evanston
Last Book Read: The Growing Season by Samuel Hynes about growing up in the 30's
Last Movie Rented: Queer as Folk Season 1 disc 2
Last Cuss Word Uttered: mutherfuckin
Last Beverage Drank: coffee
Last Food Consumed: A mango
Last Phone Call: my sister called me out the blue
Last TV Show Watched: Queer as Folk season 1 disc 2
Last Time Showered: less than an hour ago
Last Annoyance: Issues with my ITunes software "wouldn't properly eject device"
Last Thing Written: signed for groceries
Last Sleep: Last night - what a weird question
Last Sexual Fantasy: getting head from someone from this website, from one of my friends in fact..don't worry its not you!
Last Ice Cream Eaten: McDee with caramel
Last Time Hugged: Thursday night approximately 10:22 pm.
Last Lipstick Used: That was in the 80's it was my gfriend's and she drove me around all made up..then fucked me. Don't know what it was called.
34 was a mutherfyucker...thats what I get for outliving Jesus I guess.
Shit! I've been running from the sandmen for 5 years now and they haven't caught me yet.

Here's to being a runner!
Thanks for all of the birthday wishes and the future ones too!
Long live the long livers with long lasting livers!
I'm a follower not a leader...I got this from sweetavenue but I've been dying to live out this fantasy that I am so interesting that you all will be floored by my responses...
mmm..okay *licks lips* here goes...
* Have you ever...(put an X next to the things that apply to you)
(X) Been drunk.
(X) Smoked pot.
(X) Kissed a member of the opposite sex.
(X) Rode in a taxi.
(X) Been dumped.
(X)Been in a fistfight.
(X) Been arrested. Possession...
(X) Made out with a stranger
celebrated new years in Times Square.
(X) Went on a blind date.
(X) Lied to a friend.
Had a crush on a teacher.
(X) Skipped school.
A p p e a r a n c e
Height: 5'11"
Hair color: Brown...a little grey too
Skin color: Farmers stylee!
Eye color: Hazel
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: 0
R i g h t n o w
What color are the pants that you are wearing? Green Cargo shorts
What song are you listening to right now? Art Decade by David Bowie
What taste is in your mouth? Toothepaste
What's the weather like now? Cool & windy
How are you? Pretty good ..maybe very good even
Get motion sickness? rarely.
Have a bad habit? is smoking a bad habit?
Like to drive? on the OP Highway...
F a v o r i t e s
TV show: I need one I guess
Book: Shit I dunno..I liked Karma Cola
Non-Alcoholic drink: cofee of course
Alcoholic drink: I am loving the MacIntosh ( a whiskey apple martini)...also Rum & apple Juice
Thing to do on the weekend: See a show with friends...or be with a lover
H a v e y o u...
Broken the law: Yes possession is 9/10s of the law.
Ran away from home: Yes...I was a young turd before.
Gone skinny dipping: Yes
Ever tipped over a porta potty: Thats next on my list
Used your parents' credit card before: No..
Fell asleep in shower/bath: No
Been in a school play: Many times...
L o v e
Boyfriend/girlfriend: Not yet
Current crush: Seems to happen often...I just roll with it until I'm satisfied.
Been in love: Yes...even insane style
Had a hard time getting over someone:
I guess it has been hard but I think a relationship this old is supposed to be harder.
Been hurt: Yes..but I think I've changed.
Greatest regret: Used to be not getting invloved with the swinger dinger parties and shit at my old place. Fuck I can still party.
Gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: Why not?
R a n d o m
Do you have a job: Yes...its dull but real
Your CD player has in it right now: I'm having problems with it. Last disc in it was Yaqui UXO by godspeed
If you were a crayon what color would you be: Burnt Orange or Brick Red
What makes you happy: friends, music, sex...something internal too, madness perhaps..or wisdom...i think I learned how to dope myself.
Next CD you're gonna get: hmmm... Built To Spill live maybe
W h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t
Time you cried: Shit..last April when that stripper broke up with me.
Time you got a real letter: About a week ago from a divine lady from this site.
You got an important e-mail: I guess something divorce like.
Thing you purchased: TP
Movie you saw in the theater: I, Robot...It was awesome!
Last Cigarette: Lucky Strike
Last Alcoholic Drink: A Stella before going home after work
Last Car Ride: Cab ride home Friday night
Last Kiss: This woman that my old swinger neighbors set me up with
Last Library Book: A SQL Server book that I returned to the wrong Library (Chicago instead of Evanston
Last Book Read: The Growing Season by Samuel Hynes about growing up in the 30's
Last Movie Rented: Queer as Folk Season 1 disc 2
Last Cuss Word Uttered: mutherfuckin
Last Beverage Drank: coffee
Last Food Consumed: A mango
Last Phone Call: my sister called me out the blue
Last TV Show Watched: Queer as Folk season 1 disc 2
Last Time Showered: less than an hour ago
Last Annoyance: Issues with my ITunes software "wouldn't properly eject device"
Last Thing Written: signed for groceries
Last Sleep: Last night - what a weird question
Last Sexual Fantasy: getting head from someone from this website, from one of my friends in fact..don't worry its not you!
Last Ice Cream Eaten: McDee with caramel
Last Time Hugged: Thursday night approximately 10:22 pm.
Last Lipstick Used: That was in the 80's it was my gfriend's and she drove me around all made up..then fucked me. Don't know what it was called.
hope you had a fantastic day!
Happy 35