I am still very disorganized. My "other" girlfriend left to NYC. She left me the big daddy of butt toys and a stolen copy of the original New Wave Hookers as a gift. It's not THE original with the under-aged Traci Lords but it is a DVD of the pre-Eon version. I am going to take precious care of it.

I tried the butt toy, a version of the Aneros called the Progasm. It was a crazy experience and I wrote about it here. In the Aneros forum under "Crying" (which I did not do- thank you very much) I discovered a sea shanty someone quoted called "The Pilot".
On such a night the sea engulphed
My father's lifeless form;
My only brother's boat went down
In just so wild a storm;
And such, perhaps, may be my fate,
But still I say to thee,
Fear not but trust in Providence,
Wherever thou mayst be.
I want to do make a local band to perform heavy metal sea shanties.
I have spent the last two work days trying to decide if I want a Network Attached Storage device so I can career a little bit towards informatics work while on the job as a light bulb changer at a internet spam company. BY that I mean I could develop a website or two, and/or web tools during my downtime at work and connect to my NAS via FTP (without exposing my fancy gaming computer). I am at my comfort level limit for debt, and yet at this time I would have to use credit to move this purchase 3 months in advance, at which point I will have more financial aid available.
This is the best NAS for me. It has RAID 1. It has Hot swapping. It has a large community in the support works. It is pretty fast. It can run Drupal and PHP. It is the cheapest I can find that seems like it will be useful, not become a brick in 1 day after warrantee, and doesn't suck in bad ways.The NetGear RND2150:
So I just talked to C2 in NYC, the "other" woman, on the cell and "New Wave Hookers" must have gotten misplaced in the wrong dvd case and placed in the free porn box at Good Vibrations and then given to me all by some fateful mistake. Amazing!
I wonder what a gourmet fortune cookie would taste like?
I think I may get my $700 back from the crackhead that stole a convenience check to pay some kind of utility bill.
A conceptual artist is visiting today. He may stay with us. He is kind of a jerk sometimes but still loved by my cousin.
I was looking into a dynasty trust to create a rural estate home for my eccentric relatives to centralize their identity. I don't have any money but if I can collect from family over my lifetime...
Why am I writing this journal? Aren't we always trying to forget our past?
But yeah! Do you work near there? How are you?