I don't know if you might find this interesting or not but I've decided to do a 3 month no-wanking-to-much-less-looking-at-or-watching-hardcore-hetero-pron fast.
It's not that I think there is anything wrong with this pron, even the so called extreme stuff. Nor do I know that it is exploiting women. As far I know these women are comfortable or even happy with their occupation as pron actresses and models.
What it is, is that I'm actually curious to see how it effects my own self-image, physically and as a lover. I've never really taken an account of how looking at other more physically fit men with bigger straighter more beautiful cocks, having wilder sex with model looking women, with seemingly no flirting or interrelationship responsibilities, might effect my own sexual rhythms. I want to know more about the hidden sexual assumptions I may be carrying by keeping this habit. Because, you know, I've never taken an honest look.
Also this het pron was made to induce desire in people like me but it is also limited by the fact that it is essentially a commercial venture. It isn't a true act of full licentious desire. I don't know if those distinction amount to much either, but perhaps I can find out?

All this is not to say that I wish to reduce the number of orgasms that I have, or that I wish to be less of slut in general. It's more of a media literacy experiment.
Plus SG and it's members are hot enough for me.
It's not that I think there is anything wrong with this pron, even the so called extreme stuff. Nor do I know that it is exploiting women. As far I know these women are comfortable or even happy with their occupation as pron actresses and models.
What it is, is that I'm actually curious to see how it effects my own self-image, physically and as a lover. I've never really taken an account of how looking at other more physically fit men with bigger straighter more beautiful cocks, having wilder sex with model looking women, with seemingly no flirting or interrelationship responsibilities, might effect my own sexual rhythms. I want to know more about the hidden sexual assumptions I may be carrying by keeping this habit. Because, you know, I've never taken an honest look.
Also this het pron was made to induce desire in people like me but it is also limited by the fact that it is essentially a commercial venture. It isn't a true act of full licentious desire. I don't know if those distinction amount to much either, but perhaps I can find out?

All this is not to say that I wish to reduce the number of orgasms that I have, or that I wish to be less of slut in general. It's more of a media literacy experiment.
Plus SG and it's members are hot enough for me.

Sounds like an interesting experiment...let us know how it works out.
Good for you PublicAnemone. Everything is so pornogrified anymore, it's good to take a step back, I think. If nothing else, to avoid the sheer boredom and monotony of the glut of repetitive images. Titillating for a while maybe, but without any soul. To me it all gets so tedious as a regular diet vs. an occasional dessert like most empty calories. Best of luck with it. Whether you succeed or not, I think it's a good exercise in awareness.