I just read this article, "You're a Nobody Unless Your Name Googles Well."
Upon reading it, I was reminded how lucky I am, and simultaneously I even felt momentarily immortal. Then I realized how I have been squandering my fortune. My name is practically a built-in website. Once I even turned an acquaintance into a date with this feature. She liked my musical taste exhibited on my Amazon wish list.
Immediately afterwards I felt a twinge of responsibility. I will be judged by my Google hits, identified by them. I should use this to my advantage, and I should also exercise caution. I have made a few newbie $0.02 opinion comments, for instance, that nobody needed to hear. Also I should always be sure to check the spelling of a word before I use it. No more casualness. I will be judged.
Just now, I deleted my name from a few Suicide Girls blog posts, like this one.
I'll probably edit this page later too.
I hope Google caches don't last forever.

Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete
Upon reading it, I was reminded how lucky I am, and simultaneously I even felt momentarily immortal. Then I realized how I have been squandering my fortune. My name is practically a built-in website. Once I even turned an acquaintance into a date with this feature. She liked my musical taste exhibited on my Amazon wish list.
Immediately afterwards I felt a twinge of responsibility. I will be judged by my Google hits, identified by them. I should use this to my advantage, and I should also exercise caution. I have made a few newbie $0.02 opinion comments, for instance, that nobody needed to hear. Also I should always be sure to check the spelling of a word before I use it. No more casualness. I will be judged.
Just now, I deleted my name from a few Suicide Girls blog posts, like this one.
I'll probably edit this page later too.
I hope Google caches don't last forever.

Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete
I'm better at work than play actually. 

Thanks, hon!