It's that time for the Believer DVD issue. Last year it was one of the highlights of my year.
I popped that disc in, got high with my gf, and watched totally random and compelling short films on my 26" flat screen without a shred of commercially induced expectation. I refuse to add any expectations by describing the films.
As a recording, watching these collections for the first time, is like an art installation, installed in time. Its an event. And having occured again it becomes a tradition. Unfortunately this year I must stay off the herb until my employment is secured and oddly enough it appears that we are delaying watching this disk until I can fulfill the entire tradition. We haven't discussed it but I believe we are both loath to play it in a way that would break with the spirit of the event.
It's fun to guess what is in the sensual portion of another person's mind. The more you know them the better your guesses get. To guess your sexual partner's mind is also one technique for good sex and makes an argument for some form of fidelity, even if its polyfidelity.
Art itself makes me regress to a time when something sensual was interesting on its own merit and not when it was only interesting if it ultimate served the purpose of sex or money. Interestingly art ultimately does serve those things better anyway. More interesting sex, more valuable money. However vitality occurs in that valley between those termination points, when expressions of sheer humanity occur.
Now however they have increased the stake by starting a quarterly DVD magazine called Wholphin. Will they fail to deliver when they are under pressure to find interesting material at 4 times the rate they have been? For $40 I believe it would be worth it to find out.

I popped that disc in, got high with my gf, and watched totally random and compelling short films on my 26" flat screen without a shred of commercially induced expectation. I refuse to add any expectations by describing the films.
As a recording, watching these collections for the first time, is like an art installation, installed in time. Its an event. And having occured again it becomes a tradition. Unfortunately this year I must stay off the herb until my employment is secured and oddly enough it appears that we are delaying watching this disk until I can fulfill the entire tradition. We haven't discussed it but I believe we are both loath to play it in a way that would break with the spirit of the event.
It's fun to guess what is in the sensual portion of another person's mind. The more you know them the better your guesses get. To guess your sexual partner's mind is also one technique for good sex and makes an argument for some form of fidelity, even if its polyfidelity.
Art itself makes me regress to a time when something sensual was interesting on its own merit and not when it was only interesting if it ultimate served the purpose of sex or money. Interestingly art ultimately does serve those things better anyway. More interesting sex, more valuable money. However vitality occurs in that valley between those termination points, when expressions of sheer humanity occur.
Now however they have increased the stake by starting a quarterly DVD magazine called Wholphin. Will they fail to deliver when they are under pressure to find interesting material at 4 times the rate they have been? For $40 I believe it would be worth it to find out.

mmmm. I like that.
I was just stopping by to say that I'm glad my comment made sense to people. I was highly caffeinated and fucking off at work today when I wrote that, so...
it's so easy for the academically-inclined to dismiss everyone else's opinion as worthless. but I have some of the most interesting conversations ever with, as I mentioned, my high school educated boxer boyfriend. university isn't everything.