Lots of shows. lots and lots of shows.
With the lack of a secretary I have noticed how much I hate answering phones. I'm glad that it's not a permanent situation. I'm not sure why being female automatically turns you into being the caretaker, but I guess working with 9 other guys at a live sound company... I should expect this.
Anydangways. I need coffffeeeeeee. All City Coffee Iced Mocha here I come.
With the lack of a secretary I have noticed how much I hate answering phones. I'm glad that it's not a permanent situation. I'm not sure why being female automatically turns you into being the caretaker, but I guess working with 9 other guys at a live sound company... I should expect this.
Anydangways. I need coffffeeeeeee. All City Coffee Iced Mocha here I come.
he already has!!!
way to go there! lemme know if he is not cutting it, I need something to do durring the days