My birthday is coming and I have no idea where to go and what to do. The only pleasant thing about all this - presents!
I know my friends are going to surprise me with smth and I just can't wait!
Meanwhile I'm doing fine...have a lot things to make, places to go. And I have a lot of cool new/old people around me and they make my life interesting and fun!
Also planning to go to Paris in January for the Fashion Week
So excited about it! And if everything goes right, in June i'm planning to visit U.S
Won't say much right now, have to figure everything out etc.
And here's my wishlist in case u want to surprise me
Love u all x

Meanwhile I'm doing fine...have a lot things to make, places to go. And I have a lot of cool new/old people around me and they make my life interesting and fun!

Also planning to go to Paris in January for the Fashion Week

And here's my wishlist in case u want to surprise me

Love u all x
Happy Birthday 

Happy Birthday!!! Make sure it's a memorable one.