For so many years I was absolutlty not interested in my style because of depression due to my electrosensitivity that unallow me almost everything

Now for the dance I'm trying to get some style again, I think about some tattoos but normally I only want some from people with who I lived somethin

@headshot to give you an idea for example my computer is about 1m50 from me, I connect internet by usb with smartphone being 10m away and even like that if stayin more than 1 hour it's givin headhache and other symptoms. Also since I did a way in car with my dad havin covid about 2 years ago when I exposed too much I cough. It happens often that I cough, then control on my machine and I can see high level like an antenna nearby. I guess this is what they call "long covid"
I'm sorry. Does it turn out that every electrical device gives exposure? It sounds too complicated. It must be very difficult for you

Urban Kiz track in construct but just without computer in config that's not practical to build a concrete song, it's more like succession of loops


Gonna try later to plus sampler to do some remix tricks here and there