If you are the next random douchebag in the street or on the subway that tells me to "smile!", i might kick you in the balls. i'm not sure what i'll do if you lack balls.
I am getting very sick of hearing this. am I supposed to walk down the street with a big fucking idiotic grin on my face? have these people also considered that maybe i have nothing worth smiling about?
Bah everyday it gets harder for me to be in public amongst humanity. not just cause of the smiling thing of course.
the only person that could possibly cheer me up now is...
So i'm off to watch Scream Blacula Scream.
If you are the next random douchebag in the street or on the subway that tells me to "smile!", i might kick you in the balls. i'm not sure what i'll do if you lack balls.
I am getting very sick of hearing this. am I supposed to walk down the street with a big fucking idiotic grin on my face? have these people also considered that maybe i have nothing worth smiling about?
Bah everyday it gets harder for me to be in public amongst humanity. not just cause of the smiling thing of course.
the only person that could possibly cheer me up now is...

So i'm off to watch Scream Blacula Scream.
ottawa was very good. got to hang with peacimowen so i was happy. and i swam in the ottawa river. i've never seen so many clams, they were just living in the sand in the water, it was really neat.
and go chuds!!!
so yeah, you're off next week. we gotta hang as much as possible!
there's always the knee-jerk response of "why?"
it usually puts most strangers off from bothering you.. and.. friends i find do usually give good answesr..