So I'm just now realizing it's been over four years since I last posted anything-woof. For anyone that might be paying attention, I got all of my license and car problems situated, still working at LL Bean (hey, it's a job-and it pays good), still single after 5 years (much to my grandmothers dismay), and go figure I got a lot of my ducks in...
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Hey y'all! Just checking in while I have the web at my disposal! Still trying to dig myself out of the hole I put myself in last year, but I'm at least on this side of the grass and trying to keep a smile on my face! Hope all is well with everyone! Much love!


So far, 2015 can kiss my ass. Besides all the legal trouble I put myself through earlier on this year, now I've finally gotten my wish of moving closer to home, friends and work via my girlfriend of 6 years breaking up with me back in April, on my birthday no less! She tells me, I need to work on me, you need to work...
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I need to sit at my computer to get the full effect, but so fuckin happy to be able to get back on here and say 'I'm alive!' Was without the Interweb for years, and now that I have it I don't have the money for much else:/ I miss you girls, I miss the community, and I plan on rejoining the ranks again! Cheers...
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It's late, I'm about to pass out, all bleary-eyed from staring at this damn screen for way too long.....
So, I definitely feel better since the last blog. God, I was ripshit all week! But it's over now smile So, yes, I'm now officially 27 *sob* I'm taking it well though! Still not smoking, cut back drastically on beer intake, started working out , trying to...
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Happy late birthday. kiss
Hope your having sweet dreams and tomorrow is a beautiful day
So! Happy Halloween my fellow SGr's! Not too much going on up in the chilly north. Still working the 2 jobs, trying to survive. Finally have roommates though, which kicks SO much ass! Finally, help with rent! Oh, so my water pump blew in my stupid Eclipse a couple weeks ago; just got it fixed today. This weekend's agenda: bring it to a dealership and...
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i heard of a couple people in that costume! im just glad nobody at my party had it hahaha smile thank you darling! kisses
ha! Total cheesey poof and cherry wheat.
So, Tuesday I had all 4 wisdom teeth out....honestly, it's not that bad! Luckily mine weren't impacted, so the whole process was nice and easy. The only hard part was dropping $500 for my co-pay! Better than $1500 though smile I also quit smoking, and have yet to pick up another one so keep your fingers crossed! Also, I'm starting to wonder if I'm invisible on...
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Ever feel like someone threw a hand-grenade or set off an IED in your life? That about describes things right now....My girl and I split up last month, and now I'm stuck with an apartment I can't afford, none of my friends want to live in L-town, so the roommate sitch is looking pretty grim; my car needs a bunch of work I can't afford...
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So, after this past weekend, I can now officially say that Magic Hat Mardi Gras quickly became Magic Hat Mardi Blah. After saying for years that I was gonna make the trip to Vermont to attend these chilly festivities, and not going, I got sick of it this year and decided this was it - I had to go. After talking with my buddy Beanie,...
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So, the Pats lost. I'm thoroughly disturbed by this. Had the first half clinched, blew it in the second. So close to another Superbowl, yet miles away in the end. I'm sad puke
Cuz I'm from the northeast, and they're the only team representing this area! tongue
Global warming anyone? If you haven't seen An Inconvenient Truth, GO FUCKIN RENT IT! It may be Al Gore, but goddamit he's got a point. Just watch it-it's scary. I work the phones at LL Bean, and try to hawk it there too. Pretty soon, we're gonna be focusing our cold weather gear towards Californians if this shit keeps up. Colorado gets dumped on and...
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