"the cheif function of a city
is to convert power into form,energy into
culture,dead matter into the living
symbols of art,biological reproduction
into scocial creativity"
is to convert power into form,energy into
culture,dead matter into the living
symbols of art,biological reproduction
into scocial creativity"

This is what I'm talking about.
your racist crap keeps showin up
Are you so devoid as to critical thinking and reading skills that you can actually construe anything I said as being remotely rascist? I would like for you to direct me to one single statement that borders on even possible rascism. Just one.
are you the enforcer of the exceptablity
of statements like "god made alcohol so the irish
wouldnt take over the world"?
I suppose you mean... 'acceptability' but since it's apparent I shouldn't expect you to know the difference between what is 'acceptable' and what is 'exceptable' (not that it's a word) anymore than I can expect you to understand the difference between someone criticizing what you post as being appropriate to a particular board and someone being a rascist.
In anycase I at no point infered that anything Mr X. said was either 'acceptable' nor 'exceptable'. Nor did I infer the opposite. I simpley told you that your issues with another persons statements are not CURRENT EVENTS. Not even if it involves Rascism. Obviously the sites administrators feel the same way... because they closed your threads.
Now for someone who believes disrespecting people deserves an apology, why don't you stick to your ideals and apologize for calling me a rascist... or at the very least show some semblence of a rascist statement that I have made.
[Edited on Sep 15, 2004 11:42AM]
taking over the world" is racist,
you say "it is a joke" do you mean its an ok
racist joke because your from philly,or is that
just a mr.x thing?