Hello lovelies,
How are you doing? I genuinely want to know. I get stuck navel gazing a lot so I like to hear what other people are doing.
I've never done the blog homework before but this topic was fun and simple enough to do.
This is my favorite photo of myself. It was taken at my favorite cousin's wedding this fall. It was right after the ceremony and my feet were already aching. I hate wearing high heel shoes. I love how they look but after 10 minutes, I want to gnaw off my feet like a trapped coyote.
Anyway, I was complaining that my feet hurt and my mom just laughed at me and took this picture. I'll admit, it's not the most flattering photo, but I think it's the most honest. I was all dressed to the nines: my hair was done by a professional stylist, my makeup was overseen by a makeup artist, I was wearing the fanciest dress I've ever own.
Yet, despite all that, I couldn't stop being my weird, goofy self. So, although this isn't a standard wedding picture, this is my favorite photo of myself. This photo reminds me how strong my sense of self is and how no matter what, I will always be me. And being me is pretty fucking awesome!
Congrats to everyone for making it to the end of the week and thank you so much for all the comments and likes on my content. It's always nice to know that other people think you're awesome too!
Have a great Friday!