radiohead. man, i could listen to them non stop. living in a glass house. one of my all time favorite songs. most of it only makes sense because i'm pretty sure i've gone way off the deep end.
oh, i'm day [[night? morning?]] dreaming of dancing, kissing, whatnots with trouble's best friend. what is wrong with me? my boyfriend is brilliantly sweet to me, and really really all the bruises and cuts and maybe-sprains are completely accidental. so sweet it gets on my nerves sometimes.
i'm scattered about and not really sleeping. sleep doesn't count to me if i'm plagued by dreams of a better time. of worse times that i would kill to have back. of friends i'll never see again. boys girls i wished i could kiss or kiss again. i dream of vampires. i'd never have another responsibility again. need money? eat a rich man. need a friend in the dark? sire a hottie or your best friend. a life of thievery and compulsion and passion with no regrts and no authority. peace in unrest.
these are the way past midnight ravings of and unsatisfied possibly overdramatic mortal.