It's pretty odd, I guess. I have zero interest in competitive sports, and couldn't imagine anything worse than sitting down to watch a soap. And yet, when you merge the two together, you get one of my favourite things in the world!
When I met @shaun_zeee I didn't know anything about wrestling, so he made it his mission to teach me, and he knew exactly how to do it...
I'm not into "big guys" so he couldn't tempt me in with promises of muscly men-folk. Instead, he targeted my love of humour by introducing me to the many, many, YouTube videos of The Rock & his hilarious promos. At the time, I didn't even know what a promo was, but I soon learned. [Promo - An in-character interview or monologue. Often includes either an "in-ring interview" or a skit done by wrestlers to advance a storyline or feud.]
After The Rock, I was introduced to other wrestlers who were comedy gold on the mic; Jericho, Edge & Christian, Shawn Michaels, Eddie Guerrero...the list is endless and I was hooked.
Thanks for reading my totally random blog. Here are some gorgeous shots by @steve_parmley who I knew I'd get on with as soon as he asked me to shoot in a wrestling shirt 😃